402. Don’t do it, it is sure a deal breaker. 不要做这样的事,肯定会坏事的。He is a deal breaker.他是个扫把星。要特别注意breaker 与 broker的意思不一样。
403. He tipped the bottle while on the job. 他上班时喝酒。 这句话也是同样意思:He downs alcohol at work..
404. This is the most clicked story of 2007. 这是2007年点击率最高的故事。
405. When you see a bear what do you do? Tuck in your arms and play dead! 你遇见熊时如何办?挽起手臂装死。My son tucked in a whole pizza.我儿子把整个一个匹萨饼给吞了。
406. to buck the trend 在熊市仍赚钱 He bucked the trend by investing in real estate.
407. Please do not stretch yourself too thin and miss the time needed to recharge yourself and to be connected with your family. Stretch too thin 把面铺得太广;忙得晕头转向,“不要太忙了,给自己留点时间,充充电,和家人多在一起。”
408. piggy bank, 快乐小猪存钱罐 or a change jar, 存钱罐,The children took a great deal of joy filling up piggy banks.
409. You are missing the point. 你没有明白这里真正的意思。You got the point. 你明白了。
410. 早晨遇见人时说:Good morning! 分手时可以说 Have a good day. or Have a good one!这比说Good-bye要随意得多
411. They are pretty hammered. 他们个个喝得酩酊大醉。(喝得不省人事,醉得一塌糊涂)这种醉指酒醒后对当时的事一无所知。比前面的loaded还要厉害。
412. Where is the chow? Chow的意思是“食物”,a chowtour across Guangzhou 广州寻找美食之旅。Chow又特别指宠物的食品,例如dog chow 狗食,chow chow dog, 小松狮狗,毛厚的小狗。
413. The girl(the boy) is out of your league. 对你来说,这个女孩就是只天鹅(是望尘莫及)。League是棒球队,棒球队有高级队(major league)与初级队(minor league),高级队对初级队的人来说是望尘莫及的事。一般此词只用于男女孩之间。
414. He is a sqrare peg in a round hole here. 他根本就不适合这里。
415. bonehead:stupid, silly, That is a bonehead thing to do. 简直是胡来。Don’t be such a bonehead. 不要胡来好不好!
416. Finish your homework before you skedaddle away. 溜走前把作业做完。Skedaddle 一般是对小孩说的。
417. riffraff 白丁,Don’t hand around with those riffraff. 不要和这些没教养的人混在一起。
418. Thanks, you are a real trooper. 你真是位勇士。a real trooper是一位不屈不挠的勇士,为自己的理想愿意付出代价。My mom is a real trooper.
419. If you want to study English well, you need to spend two solid hours under your belt. 如果你想学好英语,那你就得扎扎实实花上两年的时间。Under your belt 扎扎实实。Once a medical student has anatomy under her belt, she’ll have much less to memorize. 医学生如果把解剖学扎实学好了,那么其他要记的东西就不多了。注意与268句中的below the belt的区别。
420. Don’t diss me, OK? 不要挖苦我,好不好?They are dissing each other. 他们彼此瞧不起。
421. There is a dark cloud over her. 她的前景不妙。
422. He is a late-blooming challenger. 他是个后起之秀。
423. Love doesn’t necessarily translate into a marriage. 爱情并不意味着总会演变成结婚。
424.He is going to take the No.2 spot. 他会当第二把手。
425. If you want to study English well, you need to spend two solidhours under your belt. 如果你想学好英语,那你就得扎扎实实花上两年的时间。Under your belt 扎扎实实。Once a medical student has anatomyunder her belt, she’ll have much less to memorize. 医学生如果把解剖学扎实学好了,那么其他要记的东西就不多了。注意与268句中的below the belt的区别。
426. He is addicted to the computer games, and he is playing it 24/7. 24/7指24小时与七天,所以这句话的意思“他玩电脑游戏上了瘾,一天到晚沉迷其中。”
427. His proposal doesn’t sit well with him, manager of thedepartment. 他的议案不太合他这个部门经理的意。
428. Ihear you. 我明白你的意思。我明白你所指。也可以说:I got you.
429. Everyone likes his rags-to-riches story. 大家都喜欢他脱贫致富的故事。
430. It is the rugged origina. 这绝对是原创。the rugged original 前人没有做过的事
431 She snooped through his things for his affairs. 她把他的东西都翻了一遍,想要找他外遇的证据。
432. Why don’t you cut the crap? 你不要胡说一通了。Just cut the crap, will you, and tell me what really happened last night. 不要胡诌了,告诉我昨晚真正发生的事情。要注意这个用法比较粗鲁。
433. He doesn’t know how to manage his money, and he has already landed himself almost 10,000 Yuan in debt. Land这里做“陷入”解释。He landed a good job immediately after his graduation. 他一毕业就找到了一份不错的工作。
434. A glass of red wine a day could keep tumors at bay, according to a study of men with lung cancer. 一项对男子肺癌研究的报告表明:每天红酒一杯可以防癌。keep something at bay 不让。。近身;防止恶化 But white wine seemed to have the opposite effect. 但是白酒却有相反的效应。
435. out of the blue, 突然,Out of the blue, he started yelling at everyone. 他突然对大家大声嚷了起来。
436. USA is a cultural melange. 美国是个文化大熔炉。Melange的另一个更为流行的说法是:melting-pot
437. He dipped his food twice at the sauce. Double dipping is just gross. 他两次把食物去沾佐料。重复沾佐料太恶心。That’s like putting your whole mouth right in the dip! 这就好像是把整个嘴都舔进佐料了。
438. Her creative idea won her a lot of oohs and aahs from her co-workers. oohs and aahs 赞叹声。她的创意为她赢得了同事们的一片赞叹声。
439. Now I’m going through a living hell without you. My life is falling apart. 没有你,我此刻简直就是掉进了活生生的地狱。我的生活正变得破碎不堪。
440. Giving should never be a contract; it should be a gift without strings.付出(奉献)决不是合同,而应该是不附带任何条件的礼物。 without strings 不附加任何条件
441.Can you just give me a snapshot of yourself? 你能不能给我做一个简单的自我介绍?snapshot:一分钟快照。
442.He has interviewed a few people but nothing has panned out, so he isstill looking for someone. pan 淘金,成功。The project didn’t pan out. 这个项目没有做成。If I don’t pan out as a musician,I can always go back to school. 如果我无法成为音乐家的话,我随时都还可以再退回到学校重来。I don’tknow how things will pan out now the company’s been taken over. 现在公司被收购了,我不知道下一步的进展如何。
443.Don’t be such a stubborn fool for holding out hope that he’ll changehis mind. 不要犯傻了,寄希望他会回心转意的。Hold out hope 坚持希望 There is no sign the storm will stop, we can only hold out hope thatsomeone will come to our rescue.
444. I really enjoy my escapades bywandering around in mountains. Escapade 相当于adventure.
445. Linda is strictly by-the-book. 林达是位严格照章办事的人。Judge Neil runs his courtroom efficiently and by the book. by thebook, 照章办事。有部电影叫“Going by the book”,中文翻译是“率性而活”,这个翻译恰好翻反了。
446.His coldnesshas put me off. put off 一般意思是“推迟”,例如:He always puts off paying his bills.但这里的意思是“他的冷淡让我不敢接近他。”His bad manners put her off.他恶劣的态度让她倒胃口。
447.His joke really cracked me up.他的笑话真把我给逗晕了。crack up 大笑不已Everyone in the room is cracking up. 房间里的每个人都开怀大笑起来。
448.Herrecent divorce has sent her into an emotional tailspin. 她最近离婚后,情绪极度低落。tailspin: 飞机向下俯冲
449.blah, blah, blah.等等一些(废)话。He said thank-you, think-of-you,blah, blah, blah. 他道过谢,又说了想念你等好些话。
450.Go to talk with Jack. Heknows him so it shouldn’t be hard for you to get his lowdown. lowdown 内部消息,个人信息。“去跟杰克谈谈,他认识他,所以你应该很容易得到他的一些个人资料。”
451.三个结构相似的词组:Wall to wall;Bumper to bumper;Paycheck to paycheck 第一个词组的意思是“挤满了,所有的”,There are wall to wall students in every classroom. (现在的高中)每间教室都挤满了学生。Independent channels are promising wall-to-wall coverage of the Olympics. 第二个词组的意思是“车挤得一辆接一辆”(bumper是汽车的前后保险杠)。The cars are bumper to bumper everyday in Beijing.Only crazy people love to make a living there. 每天北京的交通是挤得水泄不通,只有神经病人才愿意在那里去讨生活。第三个词组的意思是“工薪族”:We are ordinary people, making ends meet by paycheck to paycheck. 我们不过是普通百姓,靠每月的工资才能度日。(不会有存款之意)
452.redux 这个词很多辞典没有收录,但有时也会有人使用,意思是“旧事重提”,Their redux reopens old wounds. 他们旧事重提,揭开了旧的伤痕。另一个类似的口语是rub it in:I know I was stupid at that time, but you don’t have to rub it in. 我知道我当时极不明智,但你也不必老是提此事好不好。
453.tradeoff: 利益交换,权衡,折中I am still debating the tradeoffs between going or not going. 我仍在想来想去,是去还是不去。A classic trade-off in business is the trio of time, money and quality. It is generally considered that only two of the three can be anchored at any given moment. 商业中一个经典的利益交换例子就是时间、金钱与质量三者之间的关系。一般认为,在一个时刻,三者中只能同时获得两者。经济学的核心问题就是一个tradeoff的问题。
454.Can you just give me a snapshot of yourself? 你能不能给我做一个简单的自我介绍?snapshot:一分钟快照。
455. Ifeel wilted now after a full day of work. 干了整整一天的活后,我感到筋疲力尽了。Wilt本来的意思是指植物“枯萎”,如wilted flowers, 借指“疲劳,麻木”,a wilted soul。
456.shoddy:a crappy job/furniture crappy weather What a crappy thing to say about anyone! Why do you like these crappy movies? Shoddy质量很差的东西 China is well-known for its shoddy and unsafe products.
457.I am no spring chicken. 我已经不是(精力旺盛的)年轻人了。spring chicken不到一年的嫩鸡,喻年轻人。不一定只用于女性。
458.Can you crank up the volume a little bit? 你能把音量调高一点吗?
459.He is raised in a tight-knit family. 他在一个关系亲密的家庭长大。a tight-knit 关系密切或严密,a tight-knit organization 一个严密的组织,例如共产党。
460.My daughter blows me a kiss. 我的女儿给了我一个飞吻。
461.You need to keep your instincts under wraps. 你要克制住冲动。The financial details of the case have been kept firmly under wraps. 这单生意的财务细节绝不向外人透露(仍旧处在保密中)。The identity of the buyer is still under wraps. 买家身份仍旧是个迷。
462. A surprise witness proved to be the wild card at the trial. wildcard:出其不意的一招。One wild card is to propose to her in front of the whole class. 当着全班的面向她求婚,这会是最厉害的一招。
463.egg on促使,唆使,加剧egg on:Jack is always egging me on to drive faster.杰克老是怂恿我开快车。Seemingly quiet,Margo actually eggs on Donald to quarrel with his staff. Margo看起来一言不发,但他实际上在唆使Donald与职工们干仗。People are upset with the bad roads, egged on by soaring food prices.大家对路况本来就厌恶了,现在食品价格飞涨更是让人不安。要注意的是,这里的egg与鸡蛋无关,此词的来源是从“eggja”衍生来的,意思是“edge”,所以“edge on”与“egg on”是同义词,但是egg on更流行一点。
464.toss oneself into 不知不觉投入 He tossed himself into this pro-democracy movement that is gaining slowly thousands of adherents.他不知不觉中投入到了民主运动的行列,现在民运正在慢慢成长,获得了成千上万的积极投入者。
465.Carve out 获取 He carved out a successful career.他事业有成。She carved out a reputation for herself asa high-powered lawyer.
466.run into a wall, run into a stone wall or run into a brick wall意思都一样,都是“碰壁,遇阻”。 We tried to get faster approvalfrom the town and ran into a stone wall, For Allan, learning a foreign language amounted to running into a brick wall. 对Allen而言,学习一门外语意味着要克服巨大的困难。
467.Laoyang, you are at work now. You should be working hard, not cruising thedating sites. 老杨,你现在在工作,就得好好工作,拜托不要老在那些婚介网站上跑来跑去好不好?cruise 巡航,游览。He cruised to the victory. 他一路顺利,直到最后胜利。Cruise是个很有用的词,现在很多汽车里都有cruise的装置,“自动巡航”。Youcan set on the cruise, and relax. cruise missile 巡航导弹。That dude hasbuilt a cruise missile in his own garage, on a budget of just US$5,000.那个老兄在自己家的车库了花了不过5000美元就造出了一枚巡航导弹。
468.You should put your money where your mouth is. 你提倡这事,就得在这事上花钱。
469.She is a bust, a loser. 她是个破罐子。They are bust. 他们破产了。
470.Let's go,pedal to the metal! 走了,我们现在全速前进。pedal to the metal是“一脚油门踩到底”的意思,也就是把车开到最高速度。Chinese car industry puts pedal to the metal for Auto-Expo.中国汽车工业卯足全力来参加汽车展览
471. We have some big projects in the pipeline. Pipeline是油管的意思。此句的意思是:我们有好几个大的项目即将进行。
472. He is a brainy guy. 他非常有头脑。
473. I caved in and gave him my phone number. 我妥协了,给了他我的电话号码。
474. Finally, my luck is taking a turn. 终于,我时来运转了。
I feel like I’ve hit the jackpot. 我感到我撞大运了。Jackpot是赌博用的工具,hit the jackpot就是赢了大钱。
475.Friends on net can email each other till cows come home, but a real live phone call can mean much more. till cows come home 很长时间,无止境 You don’t have to wait till cows come home. I will do it for you right away.
476. I can’t imagine my role as house frau after marriage. a house frau 家庭主妇(有点不快乐的那种)She is not a suburban house frau any more. frau是个德文单词,意思是“女士,夫人”,例如:Frau Smith, Frau Holle。
477. In the small hours of that day, he killed 10 people.那天他在短短的几个小时内就杀了十个人。small hours 就几个小时
478. I like to come home from work, have dinner, chill out for a little bit, and then go to bed. 下班后,我只想回家,吃顿晚饭,放松一会,然后睡觉。 I was worried about the kids, and he told me I should just chill out. We are chilling out great. Don't let it bother you--just chill out. chill out 放松,高兴高兴。
479. I feel like I am having an out-of-body experience. 我感到我有点魂不附体了。(我觉得我是语无伦次了。)
A. Where are your children? B. I assume they’re lurking somewhere. A 你的小孩呢?B. 我想他们就在附近玩耍吧。
481. I am consumed with thoughts of you since theday you left and can’t possibly live another moment without you. 从你离开了的那一天起,我就无时不刻地思念着你,没有你我简直是一天也活不下去。consume一般作“消耗”解,也作“带有一种强烈的感情:Heis consumed with guilt/anxiety. Americais consumed with gloom. 美国笼罩在一片悲观气氛之中。
482. But she has got her eye on someone already. 但是她已经看上别人了。
483. I hear that Steve is gunning for you. 我听说斯蒂夫在准备要整你。gunfor 攻击
484. He is widely acknowledged as masterpuppeteer, pulling everyone’s strings. 他善于操纵每一个人,大家都知道他是个木偶大师。(他是个擅长权术的人)masterpuppeteer 木偶大师
485. He is a blabbermouth. 他说起话来滔滔不绝。上次我们提到过“chatterbox”,也是这个意思。或者说:Heis a talkaholic.
486. I firmly believe that white lies are OK whenemployed to spare someone’s feelings. White lies, a white lie 善意的谎言,无伤大雅的谎言。He was lying through his teeth. 他谎言连篇且毫不羞愧。
487. I took her advice to heart. 我牢记了她的忠告。记住,“牢记”是to heart,不是to memory
488. She is not serious with love,she is just a gold-digger. 她不是想真的爱,她不过是在想傍个大款。gold digger 原本指西部淘金人,现指那些想傍大款的女孩。That golddigging tramp was never in love with him; she was in lovewith his money. She would use him up and suck him dry and move on to the nextunsuspecting victim.吃软饭的人是“a gigolo or boytoy”
489. “A little birdie told me you have anadmirer,” she says. 她说:听说你还有崇拜者呢。a little birdie told me, 相当于Iam told that….也可以说:A little bird tells me that….
490. on theoff chance, 但愿,万一I bought a first edition of the book on the off chance that it mightbe valuable someday. On the off chance Barack Obama wins. 万一奥巴马赢了呢?
491. 大家知道a piece of cake的意思是“很容易”,与cake有关类似意思表达还有一个:cakewalk.Cakewalk是一种很轻松的舞步。Itis no easy cakewalk for him, but uphill climbs. 对他而言,这决不会是一件容易的挑战,而是得很费力气的事。It would be foolish to believe that to land in Taiwan would be a cakewalk. 如果以为登陆台湾是件很容易的事那就很愚蠢了。
492. jive with, jive 原意为爵士音乐,口语的意思是“聊天,胡说八道,跳爵士舞”Don’t try to jive me, I know where you were last night. Don’t give me that jive, Iknow where you were last night.
Promoting democracy doesn’t jive with our social values any more. 推动民主不再与我们的社会价值观合拍了。
493. CPR 人工呼吸 He is giving her CPR.
494. "I shall give no quarter." Said the first dueller.
"None given or asked." Replied his opponent. “我不会对你客气啦”,第一个决斗者说。“不希罕,也不想”,他的对手回答。give no quarter 不显仁慈,不让步
It's the kind of grunt work where Obama's forces have excelled, but Clinton's are giving no quarter.
495. My hunch is that what you’rereally asking is money. 我本能的猜测是你所要的实际上是钱。
496. She had a heart-to-heart talk with her beau. 他与男朋友做了一次推心置腹的交谈。beau男朋友
497. Where the heck are you? theheck 相当于on earth,你到底在哪里?
498. I heard that Steve is gunning for you. 我听说斯蒂夫想要整你。gun for 给谁穿小鞋。
499. hardwire 电脑固定不变的硬件部分,转义“本性”。 I believe that man has somepretty rotten things buried deep in his hardwiring. 我相信人有一些与生俱来的邪恶本能 We're born hard-wired with the desire for freedom. 我们生而有种追求自由的本能。
500. Fly high 振奋,成功。When the Olympics comes to China, the whole country is flying high. 当奥林匹克落户中国时,全国为之沸腾。After reading Englishteacher’s blog, everyone can fly high now as an English student. 读了英语老师的博客后,每个学生都可以象英语专业学生一样成功了。