
A churl knows not the work of spurs / honor,粗俗之人不识荣誉。(churl:粗 野之人,吝啬鬼,农夫)
A churl never liked a gentleman,粗鄙之人不爱绅士。
A civil denial is better than a rude grant.有礼的拒绝,胜于无礼的应允。
A c I ever man,s inheritance is found in every country.智者的遗产会广为流传。
A courtesy much entreated is half recompensed.谦恭有礼,即酬谢了大半。
A crow is never the whiter for washing herself often.江山易改,本性难移。 (crow:乌鸦,黑人,鸡鸣)
A fair face may hide a foul heart.漂亮的面孔可能藏着一颗龌敲的心。
A fair woman without virtue is like palled wine,美女无德,雀口酒无味。(pall:(酒等)走味,失味)
A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own op i n i ons,愚人不求甚解却爱发表意见。
A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct, but a man of understanding delights in wisdom,愚純之人从恶行中取乐,明哲之人以智慧为乐。
A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under contro I.傻瓜会发泄怒气,智者懂得控制情绪。
A fool judges people by the presents they give him,愚人用礼物的大小来判断人的轻重。
A fool may give a wise man counsel,愚人可以给智者忠告。//愚人千虑,必有一得。(counsel:劝导,忠告)
A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees,愚人看到的树木和智者见到的不一样。
A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult.愚蠢的人恼怒时立刻表露,通达人则能忍辱。
A fool when he has spoken, he,s all done.愚人行事鲁莽。
A fool,s bolt is soon shot,愚人易竭其智。//龄妒之技易穷。(bolt:箭,矢;弩箭)
A gentleman wi I I do like a gentleman.举止高贵才配被称为绅士。
A good character is better than a good fortune,财富多不如品德好。
A good face is a letter of recommendation.姣好的容貌就是一封推荐信。
A good face needs no paint.美貌无需擦脂抹粉。
A good fame is better than a good face.美名胜过美貌。
A good heart conquers ill fortune.善心、可克月良厄运。
A good man in an evil society seems the greatest villain of all.道德败坏社会里的好人看起来像是最坏的人。
A good man is hard to find.好人难寻。
A good name is better than gold/riches,名誉胜过财富。
A good name is sooner lost than won.美誉难得而易失。
A good name keeps luster in the dark.好名声在黑暗中也会光芒四射。
A good surgeon must have an eagle, s eye, a lion, s heart, and a lady, s hand.出色的外科医生必须眼明如鹰、心勇如狮、手巧如妇。
A handful of patience is worth a bushel of brains. —点耐心比满脑子主意更管用。
A heart in love with beauty never grows old,爱美的心从不会变老。
Better be poor than wicked.宁做穷人,不做坏人。
Better die a beggar than live a beggar.宁死不食嗟来食。
Better poor with honor than rich with shame,宁可贪而有德,不可富而无仁。
Better poverty without care, than richness with.富而心忧,不士口安贫无虑。
Better safe than sorry.小心不出大错。
Bold men have generous heart,勇者宽宏大量。
Brave actions never want a trumpet,英勇的行为永远不需吹口虛。
Brevity is in writing what charity is to all other virtues.简洁之于写作,犹如宽恕之于其他美德。
By doing nothing we I earn to do ill.游手好闲是为恶。
By forgetness of injuries we show ourselves superior to them,思记伤痛就不 会被它伤害。
Cats hide their paws,大智若愚,大巧若拙。
Caution is the parent of safety.谨十真能保安全◦
Character in a man creates an impression.性格塑造形象。
Character is the first and last word in the success circle. With it you have riches no money can buy. Without it you are a pauper.品德决定成败。拥有它,就拥有金钱买不到的财富;缺少它,就成为一无所有的穷人。(pauper:赤贫的人, 乞丐)。
Character is what makes one man stand out more prominently than another. 一个人的品质可使其名声彰显。
Charity begins at home,but should not end there.仁爱须推己及人。
Charity sees the need not the cause.做善事考虑的是需要,而非理由。
Cheerfulness and goodwill make labor light,心怀喜悦与善意,便不觉劳碌。
Cider on beer, never fear beer upon cider, makes a bad rider,由俭入奢易, 由奢入俭难。(cider:苹果汁)。
Civility / Courtesy costs nothing.谦虚恭敬,不用分文。
Complacency is the enemy of study.自满是学习的敌人。
Confessed faults are half mended.认错,便能补救大半。
Confess i on is the first step to repentance.悔罪必先仟悔。 (repentance:什悔,悔悟,后悔)
Conscience does make cowards of us all.良心的自责使大家变成了懦夫。