“Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.”
— Carl Sandburg, Writer
「时间是你人生的钱币,它是你唯一的钱币,只有你能决定将怎么使用它。要小心,以免其它人替你使用。」– 卡尔‧桑德堡 (文学作家)
spend (v.) 花费,使用。He spends most of his time on school experiments. (他把大部份的时间花在学校实验上。) lest (conj.) 以免,免得。例:She moved away from the window lest anyone might see her. (她离开窗户以免被人看到。)
卡尔‧桑德堡 (1878-1967) 为美国著名诗人,他的诗让他获得 2 座普利兹文学奖 (Pulitzer Prize),他所著的林肯传记让他获得第 3 座普利兹文学奖。