a white lie 善意的谎言;无恶意的小谎话
英英释义:A harmless or small lie, especially one that you tell to avoid hurting sb.
久而久之,a white hat和a black hat就慢慢演变指好人和坏人了。white往往指事物好的一方面,因此,a white lie,指 “善意的谎言”。
To make the patient feel better, the doctor told him a white lie that he would recover soon.
I told a white lie when I told Emma her boyfriend was extremely handsome. The truth is he is just the ugliest man I have ever seen before.
a white man 善良的人;有素质教养的人
Mr. Brown is a very white man. He was looking rather green yesterday.
要注意的是,look green在这里的意思不是“看起来绿了”,而是说这个人“面带病容,气色不好”。
the white coffee 牛奶咖啡
Would you like black or white coffee? 您的咖啡要不要加奶?
注意这里的black coffee不是指“黑咖啡”而是指“不加奶的咖啡”,也就是原汁原味的咖啡。
a white elephant 昂贵又无用的东西
white Christmas 下雪的圣诞节