There are eight major schools of yoga, each varying in its area of emphasis. The type of yoga that is taught in the West is mainly a combination of exercise and meditation called Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga is said to have a number of positive effects, such as reducing weight, strengthening muscles and nerves, cleaning out the body, and generally improving health and prolonging life.
瑜珈有八大流派,每派强调的领域有异。西方国家传授的瑜珈名为“哈他瑜珈”(又称“运动瑜珈”) ,主要是运动与静坐的结合。据说“哈他瑜珈”有许多良效,如减肥、强化肌肉与神经、净化身体进而增进健康,延年益寿。