President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, paid $1.8 million in federal income tax last year and reported $5.5 million in adjusted gross income, most of which came from the president's previous sideline as an author of best-selling books.
The first family's income was sharply higher in 2009 than in 2008, when it reported gross income of $2.7 million.
The White House released the Obamas' state and federal tax returns Thursday, providing a rare glimpse of the family finances. The returns leave no doubt that Obama's books-his 1995 autobiography 'Dreams From My Father' and his 2006 tome 'The Audacity of Hope'-have been major cash generators. According to the White House, 'the vast majority' of Obamas' income comes from book sales.
白宫周四公布了奥巴马夫妇州税和联邦税退税情况,让人们可以少有地一瞥第一家庭的财务状况。退税情况无疑表明,奥巴马的著作──1995年的自传《我父亲的梦想:奥巴马回忆录》(Dreams From My Father)和2006年的大部头《无畏的希望》(The Audacity of Hope)──是主要的“印钞机”。据白宫说,奥巴马收入的绝大部分来自图书销售。