was caught on live TV, leaping to the defence of her 80-year-old husband Rupert, as he was attacked by a foam-pie thrower during phone hacking testimony in London.80岁的默多克在伦敦参与电话窃听案听证遭遇盛剃须膏的纸盘袭击时,他的妻子邓文迪奋起还击,她的矫健身姿被电视直播捕捉下来,她也成了YouTube热门人物。
Now the News Corp chairman has filed for divorce, ending his 14-year marriage to Ms Deng. Murdoch stated their relationship had “broken down irretrievably”。现在新闻集团的董事长已经申请离婚,将结束他与邓文迪女士14年的婚姻生涯。默多克说他们的关系破裂已经到了无法挽回的地步了。
You will know about Wendi's pie-based moment of glory, but here are some facts you may not know about her。你可能是从邓文迪挺身护夫事件中了解了她的荣耀时刻,但这里是你对她所不知道的事。
1. She studied at Yale她曾就读耶鲁
Yes, there's brain behind the brawn. After moving to the US in 1988 on a student visa, Wendi was accepted to study at Yale and graduated with an MBA[微博] in business administration in 1996.是的,她有发达的肌肉,也有发达的大脑。在1988年凭学生签证来到美国后,邓文迪被耶鲁大学录取,并在1996年以工商管理专业硕士毕业。
2. She's a pro-vegan她是个赞成素食主义者
According to various reports, Wendi has cut dairy from her diet and even holds Meatless Mondays for the rest of her family every week. Evidently, the lack of meat hasn't affected her right-hook.。.各项报告显示,文迪从饮食中去除了乳制品,甚至在每周一让全家人不食肉。很明显,不吃肉并没有影响她的右勾拳……
3. She married Murdoch 17 days after his divorce came through她在默多克离婚17天后与之结婚
Rumours of a romance between Wendi and Rupert first surfaced in 1998, when she was working as an executive at News Corp-owned Star TV in Hong Kong. Rupert separated from his second wife of 32 years, Anna, the same year. He married a 30-year-old Wendi in 1999, 17 days after his divorce from Anna was finalised。邓文迪和鲁伯特的绯闻最初是在1998年出现,那时她在香港星空传媒做管理人员。同年,默多克与结婚32年的第二任妻子安娜分居。他与30岁的文迪在1999年结婚,在他与安娜离婚仅17天后。
4. She produced a blockbuster她是一部大片的制作人
Wendi is co-CEO a production company, Big Feet Productions. It released Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, a historical drama based on a lifelong friendship between two women in 19th Century China。邓文迪是Big Feet Productions制作公司的联合总裁。该公司曾制作历史题材电影《雪花秘扇》,该剧基于19世纪的中国两个女人一生的友谊。
5. She has two daughters她有两个女儿
Wendi has two daughters with Rupert Murdoch - Grace, nine and Chloe, eight. The family split their time between New York City and California。邓文迪和默多克有两个女儿——9岁的格蕾丝和8岁的克洛伊。全家人常居住于纽约和加利福尼亚两地。
6. She's an ace at volleyball她排球打得很好
At 5ft 10in, Wendi is an accomplished sportswoman and was coached in volleyball at high school in China. She was head of her school's athletic association and also plays basketball and badminton。邓文迪身高五英尺十英寸,是位多才多艺的运动员,在读高中的时候接受过排球的专业指导。她是学校体育协会的负责人,还会打篮球和羽毛球。
7. She's a great match for Murdoch她是默多克的绝配
Friends are agreed that Wendi and Rupert are very much in love, and that it's her head for business and humour that makes him tick. She has played a key role in the expansion of News Corp in China and is widely acknowledged as being a major influence on Rupert's running of the company. According to Michael Wolff, author of a Murdoch biography, "She reminds me in a certain way of Rupert himself. She is out to do what she wants to do. That really makes you someone to be reckoned with and someone who ultimately seems quite fearless."朋友们都认为文迪和鲁伯特非常相爱,是她的商业领袖气质和幽默感令他着迷。她在新闻集团在中国的发展中起到了重要作用,公众也普遍认为她对默多克的事业起到了深远影响。根据默多克传记作家迈克尔-沃尔夫的描述,“从某种程度来说,她让我想到了默多克他自己。她想做的事情,她就会全力以赴下决心去做。这让你们觉得她是需要认真对待的人,一个无畏的人。”
8. She makes Murdoch drink protein shakes她让默多克喝蛋白奶昔
... with fruit and soy, along with making him exercise at 6am in the morning - something Rupert admitted to in a rare interview with Vanity Fair. The secret to his never-ending energy, perchance?……带水果和奶油,并让他早晨六点去锻炼——默多克在接受《名利场》采访时承认这个生活细节,默多克很少接受采访。这可能是他永不停止的能量秘密?
9. She's mates with Nicole Kidman她是妮可-基德曼的闺蜜
Wendi is often pictured with the Oscar-winning actress around town and Nicole is godparent to her and Rupert's children - along with Hugh Jackman. Bono, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Tony Blair and Ivanka Trump are also counted among close friends of the couple。邓文迪经常被拍到和这位奥斯卡获奖女演员一起出游,妮可和休-杰克曼还是她和默多克孩子的教父母。博诺、Facebook创始人马克-扎克伯格、英国前首相布莱尔和纽约名媛伊万卡-特朗普同样是这对夫妇的密友。