THE boat of the boatman Madhu is moored at the wharf of Rajgunj. |
船夫曼特胡的船只停泊在拉琪根琪码头。 |
It is uselessly laden with jute, and has been lying there idle for ever so long. |
这只船无用地装载着黄麻,无所事事地停泊在那里已经好久了。 |
If he would only lend me his boat, I should man her with a hundred oars, and hoist sails, five or six or seven. |
只要他肯把他的船借给我,我就给它安装一百只桨,扬起五个或六个或七个布帆来。 |
I should never steer her to stupid markets. I should sail the seven seas and the thirteen rivers of fairyland. |
我决不把它驾驶到愚蠢的市场上去。我将航行遍仙人世界里的七个大海和十三条河道。 |
But, mother, you won't weep for me in a corner. |
但是,妈妈,你不要躲在角落里为我哭泣。 |
I am not going into the forest like Ramachandra to come back only after fourteen years. |
我不会像罗摩犍陀罗①似的,到森林中去,一去十四年才回来。 |
I shall become the prince of the story, and fill my boat with whatever I like. |
我将成为故事中的王子,把我的船装满了我所喜欢的东西。 |
I shall take my friend Ashu with me. We shall sail merrily across the seven seas and the thirteen rivers of fairyland. |
我将带我的朋友阿细和我作伴,我们要快快乐乐地航行于仙人世界里的七个大海和十三条河道。 |
We shall set sail in the early morning light. |
我将在绝早的晨光里张帆航行。 |
When at noontide you are bathing at the pond, we shall be in the land of a strange king. |
中午,你正在池塘里洗澡的时候,我们将在一个陌生的国王的国土上了。 |
We shall pass the ford of Tirpurni, and leave behind us the desert of Tep?ntar. |
我们将经过特浦尼浅滩,把特潘塔沙漠抛落在我们的后边。 |
When we come back it will be getting dark, and I shall tell you of all that we have seen. |
当我们回来的时候,天色快黑了,我将告诉你我们所见到的一切。 |
I shall cross the seven seas and the thirteen rivers of fairyland. |
我将越过仙人世界里的七个大海和十三条河道。 |