I can live for two months on a good compliment.
Idle folks have most labour.
Idleness rusts the mind.
If you believe the doctors, nothing is wholesome; if you believe the soldiers, nothing is safe.
If you want a thing (well) done, do it yourself.
If you want knowledge, you must toil for it.
In moderating, not satisfying, desires, lies peace.
Industry keeps the body healthy, the mind clear, the heart whole, the purse full.
It is not work that kills, but worry.
It's no use pumping a dry well.
Idle folks have most labour.
Idleness rusts the mind.
If you believe the doctors, nothing is wholesome; if you believe the soldiers, nothing is safe.
If you want a thing (well) done, do it yourself.
If you want knowledge, you must toil for it.
In moderating, not satisfying, desires, lies peace.
Industry keeps the body healthy, the mind clear, the heart whole, the purse full.
It is not work that kills, but worry.
It's no use pumping a dry well.