One day, a lobster(龙虾) met a hermit crab (寄居蟹)in the deep sea.
To the hermit crab’s puzzlement, he found the lobster taking off his hard shell and showing his tender and lovely body.
“Hey! Lobster,” said the crab, “Why are you removing your protective shell? You could be eaten by a big fish, or knocked against a rock by the current and killed. Don’t be silly, or you will have to pay a heavy price for your behavior.”
“Thank you for your concern! But don’t you know that we have to remove our shells in order to grow?” “If we are too scared to remove our shells, then we can’t move forward in life as nature intended,” answered the lobster, and with these words, he carried on with his task.
The hermit crab thought for a while and then said, “What a clever lobster! Here I am wasting my day looking for places to hide from the sun, when I should be thing about how to grow bigger and stronger. ”