Painstaking painter was hired to paint a wall of thepalace .A panel would judge his painting a week later. Before work, the painter had collected manypamphlets about the palace.He noticed that thepalace’s ceiling had a carved panel. He drew a draft on a pad then began his formal work. His assistant followed him ,carrying a paint pail and a pan. The painter worked so fast that his assistant hardly kept pace with him. Soon, there were three paintings on the wall.One was a merry girl paddled her boat on the Pacific ocean. Another was a person jumped with a parachute .The last one was a giantpanda lying under a palm tree. The painter was satisfied with them. He packed his package and took out a packet of cnt looked pale because of panic. The painter was unhappy, I take pains to paint them. Why are you sad? You make my heart painful .” Thus , the assistant panted out the reason. The king once was bite by a panda on the palm
一个苦干的画家被雇佣去描绘宫殿的一面墙。一个专门小组一周后会评判他的绘画。工作之前,画家已经收集了许多关于宫殿的小册子。他注意到宫殿的天花板是带有雕刻的面板。他在便笺簿上画了草图,然后就开始正式工作了。他的手提着一个颜料提桶和一个盘子跟在他后面。画家工作得如此之快,他的助手都差点不能跟上。很快,墙上出现了三幅绘画。一幅是一个欢快的女孩在太平洋上用桨划船。另一幅是一个人跳伞。最后一幅是一只巨大的熊猫躺在一棵棕榈树下,。画家对他们很满意,他捆扎包裹并掏出一盒烟来。但他的助手却因为恐慌而看起来很苍白。画家很不高兴:“我煞费苦心来画它们。你怎么如此沮丧?你让我的心都疼痛了。”因而助手气喘吁吁地说出了原因。原来国王曾经被一只熊猫咬到过手掌 。