Do you like chocolate? If you like it, you must know DOVE--the most famous chocolate brand. But do you know what the meaning of DOVE is?
Today I want to share a love story about it.
Dove chocolate is born because of love.
Spring of 1919, Princess Charlotte of Luxembourg royal family welcomed the throne at the same time she married Prince Felix of Bourbon descendants of the family.
As a royal cook--Leon was busy with the things in kitchen, all day he was cleaning up dishes and plates, so he had split a lot of wounds in hands, when he was cleaning wounds with a salt water, a girl came to him and said, “This must hurt you?” She was the person who impacted Leon’s whole life--Princess Bazaar.
And this was the first time they met each other. From then on, Leon had his first friend who was really cared about him. Since Princess BAZAAR was only a distant relative of Prince Fliex, and she has a low status in the kingdom, so she can not taste the rare food--ice cream no matter how deep she want to.
When Leon knew her dream, he quietly slipped into the kitchen at night, and made ice cream for BAZAAR. They were always talking about past things while they were tasting the ice cream. BAZAAR taught Leon English as well.
First love’s sweet lingering in the minds of them. However, Because the special status and circumstances, a clear distinction line existed between the noble and the humble in that conservative area, so none of them spoke out their true feeling, and buried their love in heart.
In the early 20s, in order to strengthen the state of Luxembourg, Luxembourg and Belgium made an agreement about consolidating the relationship between the two countries, and the royal marriage seemed to be the best choice, the bad thing was that the person who was chosen to be married was Princess Bazzar.
Since Leon hasn’t seen Bazzar for a few days, he was really worried about her, finally after a month Bazzar appeared in the dinner. But she looked totally tied. Leon wrote “D\O\V\E” to stand for “Do you love me” in Bazzar’s ice cream by hot chocolate. He believed that she must understand his heart. However Bazzar was just staring at it until it melted.
A few days later, Bazzar married with a prince. A year later Leon can’t stand the pain of missing Bazzar so he left the emperor and settled in a famous restaurant and married the daughter of the restaurant’s owner.
But he was never happy again. After his wife found his secret she was so angry that she left her family sadly. Then Leon doing his candy business with his son singe.
In 1946 when Leon saw his son running for a ice-cream car, he remembered of Bazzar and how long he hadn’t made ice-cream. So he decided to keep making ice-cream and which was Bazzar’s dream.
After months researching, a type of delicious ice-cream covered with chocolate was invented, and each of them had the same name--DOVE.
At the same time, Leon received a letter from Luxembourg, in which he knew that Princess Bazzar had looked for him all around and hoped him to visit her. But because of the world war two, when the letter came to Leon, it’s late for one year and three days.
Leon did what he could to find Bazzar, but at that time they were very old. Bazzar began to remember the time when they were in Luxembourg, she loved Leon so much that she did everything she could to stop the marriage, but she had to be responsible for her family. So she had to give up, but there was only one condition that she wanted to have a dinner before leaving to have a chance to meet Leon, she ate the chocolate ice cream but didn’t find the melted words.
Leon thought if the chocolate words didn’t melt they may had a different he made his decision to made a kind of solid chocolate so that it could be kept for a longer time. And that is DOVE chocolate, which is filled up with love from Leon and Bazzar.
Nowadays Dove has all kinds of tastes, and every type of loves could be showed in it. Lovers send DOVE, which means a love question: DO YOU LOVE ME? So, if you love a boy or a girl, let him or her know you heart and love each other forever, and never give up.
这几天莱昂忙坏了,他的双手在水里泡得太久,几乎每根手指都裂开了口子。好不容易有点空闲,莱昂坐在门口用盐水擦洗伤口。“这样太不卫生了,伤口容易发炎。”一个细弱的声音轻轻地飘进了莱昂的耳朵,他抬头看到,阳光下站着一个女孩。女孩大方地坐在了他的身边,说:“要用药水擦洗,这样一定很疼吧?”她盯着莱昂的手指,心疼地微微皱起了眉头。就在莱昂不知道如何回答时,一个女佣跑进来说:“芭莎公主,快走,夫人在找你!”女孩回头冲莱昂笑了一下,急忙跟着女佣跑了出去。原来她是公主!在王宫中,除了带他进来的亲戚,从来没有人关心过他,更何况是公主。她那几句简短的问候,让他产生了温暖的错觉。 此后,莱昂得知,15岁的芭莎是波旁家族的远亲。因为无依无靠,所以被费利克斯王子带了过来。
这天,莱昂给公主和王子们准备的甜点依然是冰激凌,由于真正的巧克力冰激凌还没有调制成功,他急中生智,在芭莎的那份冰激凌上直接用热巧克力写了几个英文字母“DOVE” ,正是“DO YOU LOVE ME”的缩写。他相信如果芭莎心有灵犀,一定会读懂他的心声。莱昂紧张地盯着芭莎,看着那份写着字母的冰激凌转到了她的面前,可是直到上面的热巧克力融化,芭莎也没有仔细看那几个字母,她只是发了很长时间的呆,然后含泪吃下他为她做的最后一份冰激凌。
如今,德芙巧克力已经有了数十种口味,每一种爱情都能在这巧克力王国中被诠释和寄托。全世界越来越多的人爱上因爱而生、从冰淇淋演变而来的德芙。当情人们送出了德芙,就意味着送出了那轻声的爱情之问:DO YOU LOVE ME?那也是创始人在提醒天下有情人,如果你爱他(她),请及时让爱的人知道,并记得深深地爱,不要放弃。