Once upon a time, there lives a young man who likes to read aloud, but he
never thoroughly understands his literature's contents, or he only catches part
of the importance of what he is reading, or maybe he does not grasp the
importance at all. Yet he considered himself knowledgable. One day he went to
buy some fruit. On the market the old man selling pears told him that raw pears
are good for one's teeth but bad for one's spleen. Another old man selling dates
told him raw dates are good for one's spleen but bad for one's teeth. Hearing
those words the self-important man said he knew a way to enjoy the nutritional
benefits from both, while avoiding the negative side effects. "I could chew
pears, but don't swallow them and swallow dates without chewing them." he said.
"By doing this, both of my teeth and my spleen will not be hurt." He did what he
said and he was choked by a date.
This joke gave rise to the idiom, which refers to lapping up information
without digesting it, or reading without comprehension.
吃梨对牙齿很好,但是吃多了伤胃。” 旁边一位卖枣的老人对他说:“枣子能健胃,可惜吃多了会伤牙齿。”
读书人说:“这很简单嘛!吃梨子时只嚼不咽,就不会伤胃;吃枣子时只吞不嚼,就不会伤牙啦!” 说完,他很得意,拿枣就往嘴里塞,结果,他被噎住了。
囫囵吞枣 【翻译】Gulping down a whole date.