There was a poor man in the state of Qi who made his living as a beggar in town. After some time the people in the town began to dislike him, and gradually refused to give food to him. There was nothing he could do but go to work in farmers' horse post with a farrier(兽医,马医). He put up with a living in the suburbs. Then the people in town laughed at him, saying, "You work with a farrier, and end eat the leftover(吃剩的饭菜). Don't you fell humiliated?" The poor man replied, "There is nothing more humiliating than being a beggar. I could even put up with mendicancy(乞讨), so it is nothing for me to work with a farrier." 齐国有一个穷人,靠在城里各家乞讨生活。 时间长了,城里人开始讨厌他,渐渐地都不给他饭吃。 他没有办法,只好到种田人家的马棚里,跟着马医干活,在郊外将就把日子过下去。城里人又开始嘲笑他:“你跟着马医干活,吃人家的残羹剩饭,难道不觉得丢脸吗?” 这个穷人回答说:“世上没有比乞讨更耻辱的事儿了。讨饭的日子我都能忍受,跟着马医干活儿又算得了什么呢?”以上就是英语故事:岂辱马医的全部内容,如果你有其他喜欢的英语故事,欢迎推荐给小编哦!