阅读是一切知识的基础,想要持续阅读,兴趣很关键。以下是小编整理的关于英语故事:Ones own sportsmen are always prettiest-英语民间故事的内容,希望你能喜欢!
Ones own sportsmen are always prettiest
A SPORTSMAN went out once into a wood to shoot, and met a snipe.
"Dear friend," said the snipe, "don't shoot my children?"
"How shall I know your children?" asked the sportsman; "what are they like?"
"Oh!" said the snipe, "mine are the prettiest children in all the wood."
"Very well," said the sportsman, "I won't shoot them; don't be afraid."
But for all that, when he came back, there he had a whole string of young snipes in his hand which he had shot.
"Oh! oh!" said the snipe, "why did you shoot my children after all?"
"What, these your children!" said the sportsman; "why, I shot the ugliest I could find!"
"Poor them!" said the snipe; "don't you know that each one thinks his own children are the prettiest in the world?" (1)
Be a good sport - it doesn't always help.
Dressingup elegantly can help.
以上就是英语故事:Ones own sportsmen are always prettiest-英语民间故事的全部内容,如果你有其他喜欢的英语故事,欢迎推荐给小编哦!