阅读是一切知识的基础,想要持续阅读,兴趣很关键。以下是小编整理的关于英语故事:Kirby's Coals of Fire的内容,希望你能喜欢!
Considering it simply as an excursion(短程旅行,远足) , George Scott thought, leaning over the side of the canal-boat and looking at the shadow of the hills in the water, his plan for spending his summer vacation might be a success, but he was not so sure about his opportunities for studying human nature under the worst conditions. It was true that the conditions were bad enough, but so were the results, and George was not in search of logical sequences.
He had been in the habit of saying that nothing interested him as much as the study of his fellows; and that he was in earnest was proved by the fact that even his college experiences had not yet disheartened(沮丧,灰心) him, although they had cost him not a few neckties(领带) and coats, and sometimes too many of his dollars. But George had higher aspirationshad lowered his faith, while the Revhad been taught to make beds and clean knives, until they preferred these civilised occupations to their old habit of scamperingare found among the roughest classes. It was true, they were sometimes so latent(潜伏的,隐藏的) that like the jewel in a toad’s head they had the added grace of unexpectedness, but that did not interferewith the fact of their existence. He had read of California gamblers who had rushed from tables where they had sat with bowie-knives between their teeth, to warn a coming train of broken rails, and, when picked up maimed(残废的,受伤的) and dying, had simply asked if the children were saved, and then, content, had turned aside and died.
He knew the story of the Mississippi engineer who, going home with a long-sought fortune to claim his waiting bride, had saved his boat from wreckby supplying the want of fuel by hat, coat, boots, wedding-clothes, gloves, favours, and finally his bag of greenbacks and Northern Pacific bonds, then returning to his duty, sans money, sans wife, but plus honour and a rewarding conscience. When men are capable of such heroismin corn, the hills heavily wooded rose high and picturesquelyon the other side, and the little island in the bend of the river seemed the home of quiet and of peace.
The horses plodded(重步行走) patiently through the water, going out on the shallows and avoiding the deeper currents near the shore, and the boys, forgetting to shout and swear, rode along softly whistling. Over by the hills stood a cottage, and in the terraced garden(梯台式花园) a group of girls with bright ribbons in their hair were playing quoits(铁圈,金属环) with horseshoes.
以上就是英语故事:Kirby's Coals of Fire的全部内容,如果你有其他喜欢的英语故事,欢迎推荐给小编哦!