In the state of Zhen, "Pu" meant uncarved jadewhile in the state of Zhou it meant unsalted mouse. One time, a people of the state of Zhou, with an unsalted mouse in his pocket, asked a person from the state of Zhen whether he wanted to buy a "Pu". The person from the state of Zhen thought he was talking about a piece of uncarved jade so he said yes. When the man took out a dead mouse, he refused to buy it very firmly. 郑国人把没有经过雕琢的玉叫做“璞”,而周国人却将没有腌制处理的老鼠叫做“璞”。 一个周国人怀中踹着一只死老鼠,问一个郑国商人是否愿意买自己的“璞”。那个郑国商人以为他说的是一块未经雕琢的玉石,便一口答应下来。 郑国商人见周国人从怀里掏出的原来是一只死老鼠,就说什么也不买了。以上就是英语故事:周人买璞的全部内容,如果你有其他喜欢的英语故事,欢迎推荐给小编哦!