Shu Xiang noticed that although Meng Xianbo was appointed as high minister, he had only required one chariot. So he preached up Meng Xianho's frugalnessgave his officials are used to evaluate the contributions! The number of chariots is regulated to distinguish, emergency, and everyday government affairs. There are specific reasons for that. However, Xianbo has disturbed the rank system, and weakened the measures for unexpected emergencies just to pursue his personal fame and integrity, this kind of behavior should not be appraisedat all!" 叔向见孟献伯虽然贵为上卿,却只要一套车马,便向人极力赞扬孟献伯的节俭。 苗贲皇不同意树向的观点,他认为:“君主授予臣下爵位、俸禄和称号,是用来区分功劳大小的,规定车马的数量,是为了区别等级。国卿配给马车,是为了便于作战,防备意外事件发生以及供平时政务使用,是有具体理由的。献伯如今搅乱晋国的职官等级制度,削弱预防不测的措施,目的是为了成全自己的节操和名声,这种行为根本不值得赞扬。以上就是英语故事:乱政图名的全部内容,如果你有其他喜欢的英语故事,欢迎推荐给小编哦!