One day Li Kui and Yan Qing, two heroes in liangshan MarshHall and without a word took his axes and cut down the apricot-yellow banner inscribedwith "Act in Heaven's Behalf" and ripped it to shredswas under Song Jiang's command. Finally Song Jiang said, "The squire isn't dead yet. I'll go and confront him." In the manor, Li Kui discovered the truth: it was someone else who misbehaved in Song Jiang's name. He began to regret his impatient, hasty actions. He carried a thorn stick on his bare back and asked Song Jiang to take the stick and beat him. Song Jiang said, "I'll forgive you if you capture the two impersonators(演员,模拟艺人) and bring the girl home." After taking a great deal of bother Li Kui finally found the two perpetrators, Wang Jiang and Dong Hai. He killed them and saved the squire's daughter.