读双语故事,看百味人生。阅读是一生的功课,无论顺境逆境,我们总能在文字里找到共鸣。以下是小编整理的天堂和地狱的真正差别/Heaven and Hell—The Real Difference的内容,读一下吧,也许恰好是你喜欢的那一篇。
Heaven and Hell—The Real Difference
A man spoke with the Lord about heaven and hell. The Lord said to the man, “Come, I will show you hell.” They entered a room where a group of people sat around a huge pot of stew. Everyone was skinny, desperate and starving. Each held a spoon that could reach the pot, but each spoon had a handle so much longer than their own arms that it could not be used to get the stew into their own mouths. The suffering was terrible.
“Come, now I will show you heaven.” The Lord said after a while. They entered another room, similar to the first—the pot of stew, the group of people, the same long-handle spoons. But there everyone was happy, healthy and satisfied.
“I don’t understand,” said the man. “Why are they happy here when they were miserable in the other room and everything was the same?” The Lord smiled. “Ah, it is simple,” he said. “Here they have learned to feed each other.”
◇stew n.炖肉(或菜) v.炖,焖
We had beef stew for lunch. 中饭我们吃了炖牛肉。
The meat needs to stew for several hours. 这肉得炖几个钟头。
注意:汉语说“炖牛肉”“焖羊肉”,用英语表示分别是beef stew和mutton stew,也可以是stewed beef和stewed mutton——前一表达中的stew为名词,它受beef和mutton的修饰,表明是什么样的炖肉;后一表达中的stewed为动词stew的过去分词,在此表示被动意义,指被炖过的什么肉。
◇desperate adj.极需要的;绝望的
I’m desperate to see her. 我很想见到她。
He was desperate when he lost all his money. 当他丢了所有的钱时,他绝望了。
◇miserable adj.痛苦的;悲惨的
The girl felt so miserable that she wanted to cry. 这姑娘感到那样痛苦,她简直想哭。