读双语故事,看百味人生。阅读是一生的功课,无论顺境逆境,我们总能在文字里找到共鸣。以下是小编整理的简单的耐心之举/A SIMPLE ACT OF PATIENCE的内容,读一下吧,也许恰好是你喜欢的那一篇。
Recently a popular department store opened in our area. People have been talking about it for months! On the third day after its grand opening, I thought I’d stop by to visit.
When I arrived there I noticed right away that the parking area was extremely busy. As I had parked my car and was about to go into the store, a lady had just gotten into her car and was about to leave. She had parked across from me and there was a four-waystop sign behind our parking area. As the lady tried to back out, some of the other drivers were extremely rude! They shouted and beeped at the lady and she had a look of terror on her face. She looked at me hopelessly as if she didn’t know what to do.
I gestured for the lady to pull down her window and I told her that she was doing just fine. She smiled and seemed to relax. I then became her rearview mirror as it was hard for her to see behind her while backing out of the parking space. As I watched for her safety, she was able to back out far enough to drive forward.
At this point, she was even happier! She thanked me many times. I thought that many of the other drivers weren’t sympathetic enough toward this clearly nervous woman and I was happy to help the lady out. Besides, who knows, I may have prevented a potential accident thanks to what I had done.
◇department store 百货公司
◇rearview mirror n.(车辆上的)后视镜
◇four-waystop 四向停车(在一个不大的十字路口,放上红绿灯不经济,就在四个方向放上STOP的牌子,每辆车到路口时都要先停一下,然后按照先来后到通行)
◇beep v. (使汽车喇叭等) 发出嘟嘟声
◇sympathetic adj. 有同情心的
◇potential adj. 可能的,潜在的