A: You're going to get into a lot of trouble if you do that.
B: What makes you say that?
C: I don't see anything wrong with what we're doing.
A: That's just the problem. In these kinds of things the trouble doesn't always appear at first.
B: But everything has been so easy!
C: Everything has gone as smooth as clockwork-just like we planned.
A: That may be true. But I warn you. There's trouble on the horizon.
C: You always say that!
B: Yeah. You never look at the positive side of things.
A: Okay. Have it your way, but don't say I didn't warn you.
A: 如果你们那么做,会遇到许多麻烦的。
B: 干嘛那么说?
C: 我看不出我们正做的事有什么错。
A: 那就是问题,在这类事情中麻烦并不是一开始就出现。
B: 可是一切都很顺当。
C: 一切像我们计划的那样,进行的顺顺当当。
A: 情况也许如此。但我警告你们,麻烦就要出现了。
C: 你总是这么说!
B: 就是,你总是看不到事物积极的一面。
A: 好吧,听不听随你们的便,可别说事先我没警告过你们。