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    Section 55

    I think that dancing must be one of the oldest forms of entertainment.
    Yes. Even the most primitive societies had some forms of dance.
    Originally, dance was to celebrate some event or occasion.
    Today, we do not need a reason, we dance for pleasure.
    What kind of dancing do you like?
    I think it can best be described as ball room dancing.
    Oh, you mean the formal sort of dancing with a partner?
    Yes, the kind that dances to beautiful music.
    What about disco dancing? do you like that?
    No. It is too noisy and crowded in discos, and I am not sure how to do it.
    It’s easy. You just relax and do what ever the music makes you feel like doing.
    I think I prefer more structured dancing. I think it is more skillful.
    Maybe. But disco dancing is easier and more fun, I think.
    It’s also more tiring.
    True. Many people use it as a form of exercise.


    Section 55 Dance五十五 舞蹈

    1.I think that dancing must be one of the oldest forms of entertainment. 我想舞蹈是最古老的娱乐方式之一。

    2.Yes. Even the most primitive societies had some forms of dance. 是的,即使最原始的部落也有舞蹈。

    3.Originally, dance was to celebrate some event or occasion. 本来舞蹈是用来庆贺某些活动的。

    4.Today, we do not need a reason, we dance for pleasure. 现在不需要任何理由,跳舞只是一种娱乐。

    5.What kind of dancing do you like? 你喜欢什么样的舞蹈。

    6.I think it can best be described as ball room dancing. 我想我喜欢交谊舞。

    7.Oh, you mean the formal sort of dancing with a partner? 噢,你指的是和一位舞伴跳的那种正规形式的。

    8.Yes, the kind that dances to beautiful music. 是的,那种和着优美音乐的(舞蹈)。

    9.What about disco dancing? do you like that? DISCO呢?你喜欢吗?

    10.No. It is too noisy and crowded in discos, and I am not sure how to do it. 不喜欢,又吵又挤的,而且我也不太会跳。

    11.It’s easy. You just relax and do what ever the music makes you feel like doing. 这容易,你只要放松,随着音乐,凭感觉爱怎么跳就怎么跳。

    12.I think I prefer more structured dancing. I think it is more skillful. 我比较喜欢规范的舞蹈,我认为他们的技术性比较高。

    13.Maybe. But disco dancing is easier and more fun, I think. 也许,但我觉得DISCO比较简单有趣。

    14.It’s also more tiring. 也比较累。

    15.True. Many people use it as a form of exercise. 没错,许多人把它当成 一种运动。

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