Section 60
Which Knife
1 Once we are used to using chopsticks, it becomes easy.
2 Why? Well, there is no choice in which chopstick to use. They are basically the same.
3 However, in the west, where chopsticks are not so common, it can be difficult.
4 Usually it is easy to know how to use a knife and fork.
5 The knife is placed on the right, and fork on the left.
6 We use the related hand for each, fork in the left hand, knife in the right.
7 But sometimes there maybe more than one knife and fork.
8 Then it can look a little daunting.
9 The simple rule is to work from the outside in.
10 That is for the first course, use the outside knife and fork.
11 Then work in for each course.
12 There maybe a separate smaller knife on the side plate for bread and butter.
13 If fish is being served, then a special knife is used for cutting and eating the fish.
14 A steak knife has a serrated edge to make cutting the meat easier.
15 So, remember, work from the outside in, and you will be OK.
Section 60 Which Knife六十 哪把刀子
1.Once we are used to using chopsticks, it becomes easy. 如果我们习惯了用筷子,一切都变得简单了。
2.Why? Well, there is no choice in which chopstick to use. They are basically the same. 为什么呢?不必选择使用什么样的筷子,因为他们基本上是一样的。
3.However, in the west, where chopsticks are not so common, it can be difficult. 然而,在西方国家,因为筷子不常用,选择就有点困难了。
4.Usually it is easy to know how to use a knife and fork. 通常,学会使用刀和*很容易。
5.The knife is placed on the right, and fork on the left. 刀放在右边,*放在左边。
6.We use the related hand for each, fork in the left hand, knife in the right. 我们用对应的手,左手持*,右手拿刀。
7.But sometimes there maybe more than one knife and fork. 但有时候,也许不只一把刀或一把*。
8.Then it can look a little daunting. 那看起来就有点犯难了。
9.The simple rule is to work from the outside in. 最简单的原则是由外到内。
10.That is for the first course, use the outside knife and fork. 这就是,第一道菜,用外层的刀和*。
11.Then work in for each course. 然后,每道菜逐步向内。
12.There maybe a separate smaller knife on the side plate for bread and butter. 也许还有专用的小刀放在旁边的盘子上,用于面包和牛油。
13.If fish is being served, then a special knife is used for cutting and eating the fish. 如果上了一道鱼,那就要用专门的刀。
14.A steak knife has a serrated edge to make cutting the meat easier. 牛排刀有齿边,方便切肉。
15.So, remember, work from the outside in, and you will be OK. 所以请记住,从外向内,就不会有错了。