Section 6
Cities, Towns and Villages
1 A city is really just a large town.
2 A town is just a large village.
3 A small village without any shops is called a hamlet.
4 A hamlet may have only a few houses.
5 A village will contain a few shops and several houses.
6 Cities have lots and lots of people.
7 Towns have fewer people.
8 Villages and hamlets have even fewer people.
9 In England, every city has a cathedral.
10 A cathedral is a large church.
11 Some European countries also have cathedrals.
12 Towns have several churches.
13 A village will often have at least one church.
14 A hamlet may or may not have a church.
15 Churches are an important part of cities, towns, villages and hamlets.
Section 6 Cities, Towns and Villages六 城市、城镇、乡村
1.A city is really just a large town. 城市其实是一座大城镇。
2.A town is just a large village. 城镇只是一个大乡村。
3.A small village without any shops is called a hamlet. 没有任何商店的乡村被称为小村子。
4.A hamlet may have only a few houses. 一个村子里也许只有几座房子。
5.A village will contain a few shops and several houses. 一个乡村会有几家店铺和几座房子。
6.Cities have lots and lots of people. 城市里有很多很多人。
7.Towns have fewer people. 城镇的人比较少。
8.Villages and hamlets have even fewer people. 乡村里的人更少。
9.In England, every city has a cathedral. 在英国,每个城市都有一座大教堂。
10.A cathedral is a large church. 大教堂是一座大的教堂。
11.Some European countries also have cathedrals. 一些欧洲国家也有教堂。
12.Towns have several churches. 城镇里有很多教堂。
13.A village will often have at least one church. 通常一个乡村至少会有一座教堂。
14.A hamlet may or may not have a church. 一个小村子可能有也可能没有教堂。
15.Churches are an important part of cities, towns, villages and hamlets. 教堂是城市、城镇、乡村的一个重要组成部分。