1.Once we discovered fire, we learned how to cook. 自从我们发现了火之后,我们就学会了烹调。
2.Since then, the methods of cooking vary tremendously. 从那以后,烹调的方式发生了很大的变化。
3.Culinary tastes have delivered boiling, baking, broiling, frying, grilling, roasting and many other ways of cooking. 烹调的方式有煮、烤、烘、煎、炙、焙等许多。
4.Around the world, so many different ways of presenting food have evolved. 世界各地出现了许多不同的饮食方法。
5.Almost every country has its own cooking characteristics. 每个国家都有其自己的烹调风格。
6.In China, most hot food is quick fired, whereas in the west, grilling is preferred. 在中国,几乎所有的热食都用快炒,而西方则用烘烤。
7.In Chinese homes, it is not common to see an oven. 中国人家里,烤箱不太常见。
8.In the west, everyone has an oven for baking and roasting. 在西方,家家都有烤箱,用来烘烤食物。
9.Meat, in China, is usually cut up into small portions. 中国人习惯把肉切成小块。
10.In the west, large pieces of meat are often served at meal times. 西方餐桌上常见的是大块的肉。
11.Today, some people do not eat meat.They are called vegetarians. 现在有些人不吃肉,他们是素食者。
12.Those who eat nothing associated with animals or fish are called vegans. 那些不吃和肉类和鱼类有关的食品的人,称为“素食者”
13.Even without meat or fish, there is still a great variety of choice of foods. 即使不吃鱼、肉,可选择食物的种类还是很多的。
14.If we look in modern bookshops, we can see hundreds of books to teach us how to cook. 在现在的书店里欠可以找到上百种烹调类的书。
15.For many, cooking and eating is one of the greatest pleasures in life. 对许多人来说,烹调和品尝美食是生活中的一大乐趣。
Section 38 Inventions三十八 发明
1.They say that the world’s first great invention was the wheel. 他们说世界上最早最伟大的发明是轮子。
2.Perhaps we could argue that the discovery of fire was equally as important. 也许,我们要说为的发明也一样重要。
3.Of course we don’t know who invented those. 虽然,我们不知谁发明了这些,
4.But we do know about modern inventions. 但我们确实知道这些现代的发明。
5.Alexander Graham Bell, Marconi and Faraday are all associated with inventions brought about as a result of electricity.亚力山大.G.贝尔、马科尼和法拉利对电的发明都有贡献。
6.A Scotsman called Logie Baird is said to have invented the television. 一位名叫贝尔的英格兰人发明了电视,
7.And that has greatly changed our lives. 我们的生活从此发生了很大的变化。
8.What other inventions have changed our lives in a big way? 还有什么发明使我们的生活有了很大改变-
9.Most of them probably. 也许是大多数(发明)。
10.China is famous for its early inventions of printing, the compass, gun powder etc. 中国古代的发明,印刷术、指南针和火药很早就闻名于世。
11.Modern inventions will probably change our lives as much as older ones. 现代发明和古代发明和一样改变了我们的生活。
12.The computer has already started to modify the way that we live. 电脑已经开始改变了我们的生活方式。
13.Communication seems to be the most dramatically effected by modern inventions. 通讯似乎是受现代发明影响最大的一种。
14.The fax machine, mobile phones and Internet are bringing new changes almost daily. 传真机、移动电话和互联网每天都有变化。
15.Soon everyone will have a mobile phone that has easy access to the Internet. 不久的将来,人们将轻松拥有可以上网的移动电话。
16.Then we can expect to see pictures of the people we are talking to on the phone. 那时,我们就可以看见与我们通话人的图像。
17.Television, telephone and computer will all be built into one small handheld machine. 电视、电话和电脑会被做成小型便携式机器。
18.And today these changes are happening faster than at any other time in our history. 而现在,这些变化比历史上的任何时候都更快。
Section 39 Languages三十九 语言
1.Language is one of the major forms of communication between people. 语言是人与人之间交流的主要方式之一。
2.Speech and writing are the main components of a language. 言语和文字是语言的重要组成部分。
3.By introducing grammar into language, we make it easier to communicate. 自从有了语法,人们之间的交流变得容易了。
4.The structure of language is different between languages. 不同语言的语言结构有所不同。
5.Word order, tense, noun and verb forms may vary. 词语顺序、时态、名词和动词的结构会有所不同。
6.Some languages, like French and German, give nouns a gender. 有些语言,如法语、德语规定了名词的格。
7.Others may change the verb according to gender. 有些也许会根据不同的人称改变动词的形式。
8.Some, like English, do not give genders to either noun or verb. 有些语言,比如英语对名词和动词都不规定格。
9.The number of words used in a language varies considerably. 各种语言所使用的词语数量也有很大的区别。
10.In English, there are as many as almost 2,000,000 words which can be used. 英语大约有两百万个不同的单词。
11.Only about 60,000 are used daily and in fact 10,000 words are enough to communicate well in English. 日常用语中有6万个单词,但实际上只要有一万个单词就可以很好地用英语交流。
12.One of the difficulties with language is that it is rarely static. 语言的难点之一,就是它不是不变的。
13.That is language is always changing as cultures meet and exchange ideas. 也就是说随着文化的交流和观念的交流,语言会发生变化。
14.New words enter our languages every year, most are technical or scientific. 每年都会有新词(产生),它们大都是科技类词语。
15.The variety of languages in the world makes it more interesting than if we all spoke just one language. 语言的多样性,让世界更加丰富多彩,这比只有一种语言更好。
Section 40 Geography四十 地理
1.What is the capital of this country? 这个国家的首都是什么?
2.Where is such and such a country? 某某国家在哪里?
3.This is what we think of when we think of geography. 谈到地理,这些常常是我们会联想到的。
4.In fact, geography covers not just countries and cities, but the structure of our planet as well. 实际上,地理不公涉及到和城市,也包括了我们星球的结构。
5.Mountains and rivers, plains and forests, volcanoes and clouds are all part of geography. 山川、河流、平原、森林、火山和云层等都属于地理范畴。
6.How well we know the world we live in, not just our own country, determines how knowledgeable we are about geography. 我们对于居住的世界了解多少,而不仅是我们自己的国家,表明了我们的地理知识的多寡。
7.The structure of the land, the rock formations etc. are of equal importance to geographies as is which countries are where. 地质结构、岩石构成等与某个国家的地理位置一样重要。
8.Our recent concern about the environment has stimulated people’s interest in it. 最近,我们对环境的关注也唤起了人们这方面的兴趣。
9.Weather patterns and their changes are all part of it. 气候模式及其变化都属于这个范畴。
10.With 2/3 of the world covered in water, the study of the seas, oceans and rivers is as important as the study of land masses. 世界有三分之二是海洋,海洋、河流的研究与陆地一样重要。
11.It is interesting to look at old books and maps of the world and to see how things have changed. 读一读描绘世界的古老书籍和地图非常有趣,我们可以看到变化的过程。
12.Countries change their names and borders just as nature changes our environment. 和大自然改变环境一样,国家的名字和边界会发生变化。
13.The effect of political influences changes the geography of our world too. 政治影响也会改变世界地理。
14.Therefore, we can see that geography like language is not static. 由此可见,和语言一样,地理也不是恒定的。‘
15.So, if we want keep informed, we must constantly watch the changes. 由此看来,如果我们要对世界有所了解,我们必须时刻关注这些变化。
Section 41 Shopping四十一 购物
1.A western supermarket is so unlike what we see in China. 西方的超市和我们在中国所看到的有很大的不同。
2.In fact, China does not have many real supermarkets outside of the major cities. 实际上,除了大城市外,中国没有多少真正的大超市。
3.To enter a huge building and buy anything from food to furniture all on one floor is quite uncommon in China. 在中国,走进一座大楼,在同一楼层里买到食物、家具等不常见。
4.When we think of shopping, we usually think of buying food and clothes. 谈起购物,我们常联想到买食物和衣服。
5.Modern western supermarkets sell boats, and you can also buy furniture, newspapers, household items and electrical and electronic goods 现代西方超市,以上两种都能买到,我们也可以买到家具、报纸、家庭用品、电器和电子产品。
6.On entering a supermarket, we usually take a small basket or trolley. 进入超市,我们通常要拿篮子或推车。
7.This will depend on how much we plan to purchase. 这个将取决于我们计划购买什么。
8.Wheeling a large trolley around a supermarket can be a pleasant experience. 推一辆大推车在超市里闲逛是一种乐趣。
9.As we walk along aisle after aisle, putting in the things we want, we can get most things in one single store. 我们在走道之间行走,选择所需物品,可以在同一个楼层里买到全部所需。
10.Then we cue at the checkout and wait for the clerk to tell us how much to pay. 然后排队付款,收银员会告诉我们要付多少钱。
11.We can pay by cash, check or credit card; it doesn’t matter to the supermarket. 我们可以用现金、支票、信用卡付款,这对超市没有影响。
12.Nowadays we can even go shopping without leaving our home. 现在,我们不必离开家也可以购物。
13.We can purchase our daily goods over the Internet. 我们可以在网上购买日常用品。
14.We are shown a supermarket and on the screen we go down the aisles. 整个超市在屏幕上展现出来,我们可以在走道间行走选择。
15.We pay by credit card, and the purchases are delivered to our homes the same day. 我们用信用卡付款,货物当天就可以送到。
Section 42 Visiting the Doctor四十二 看医生
1.In China, when people get ill, they usually go to the hospital. 在中国,人们生病时大多去医院。
2.In the west, people will go to their doctor. 在西方,人们则去看他们的私人医生。
3.Every person will be registered with a doctor, who gets to know them well. 每个人都与一位医生挂号,他们对病人比较了解。
4.The doctor will keep a medical record which is a history of your health. 医生会保存你的病历,这是你的健康史。
5.Usually, before going to the doctor, we will telephone for an appointment. 通常去看医生前,都要电话预约。
6.Then we go to the doctor’s surgery at the appointed time, and wait until the doctor is ready. 然后我们按预定的时间到医生的诊所去等候,直到医生一切都准备就绪。
7.We will wait in the waiting room with the other people who want to see the doctor. 我们和其他就医者一起,在候诊室里候诊。
8.When it is our turn to go in, we usually go in alone and in private. 轮到我们时,通常是单独、个别地进去。
9.Then the doctor will ask some questions before he or she decides what to do. 医生做决定之前,会先问一些问题。
10.Usually the doctor will prescribe medicines for us to take. 医生一般会给我们开些口服药。
11.If there is something very serious, then the doctor may decide to send us to hospital. 如果遇到非常严重的问题,医生会决定送我们去医院。
12.If we are too ill to go to the surgery, the doctor will visit us at our home. 如果我们病得无法到诊所去,医生会到我们家来。
13.In Europe, the doctor will be paid by the government, not by the patient. 在欧洲,医生的工资是由政府支付的而不是病人。
14.However, we may have to pay for the medicine that is prescribed. 但是我们要支付医生所开的药的钱。
15.Doctors are very respected members of the community. 医生在社区里是很受尊敬的。
Section 43 Hospitals四十三 医院
1.If we are very ill or need surgery, we go to the hospital. 如果我们病得很严重,或是需要支手术,就得去医院。
2.Hospitals are usually very big places, especially in developed countries. 医院的面积通常很大,特别是在发达国家。
3.The hospital will be separated into departments. 医院分成不同的部门。
4.Each department will specialize in one kind of illness, or in one part of the body. 每个部门专治一种病,或身体的某一部位。
5.There are many different kinds of skilled people working in hospitals. 有很多不同技术专业的人在医院工作。
6.There are administrators, cooks, cleaners and porters as well as surgeons, doctors and nurses. 有行政人员,厨师,清洁工,行李员,内、外科医生和护士。
7.There maybe special hospitals just for children, old people or for maternity. 还有专门为儿童、老人和精神病患者开设的医院。
8.Hospitals are usually extremely clean and hygienic, which is very important. 医院一般都很干净、卫生,这一点非常重要。
9.If you visit hospital and don’t stay in overnight, you are called an outpatient. 如果你到医院就医,但没有过夜,你就是门诊病人。
10.Otherwise, you will stay in bed and be cared for by the nurses and doctors. 不然的话,你得躺在床上,让护士和医生们照顾。
11.In the west, there are usually specific times when friends can visit. 在西方,通常有规定亲人和朋友探视的时间。
12.In emergencies, people may be taken to hospital in an ambulance. 紧急时刻,要用救护车把病人送到医院。
13.The ambulance drivers will be skilled in first aid or paramedics. 救护车司机必须懂得急救知识或人工呼吸。
14.The ambulance may also take you back home if a car etc. is not convenient. 如果车子不方便,救护车也会送你回家。
15.Of course, it is important that every community has access to a hospital. 当然,重要的是每个社区都有一所医院。
Section 44 At Sea四十四 在海边
1.Throughout history, people have left the land and taken to the sea. 历史上人们曾离开过大陆到海上去。
2.This has been done to catch food by fishing or to visit other lands. 这样做是为了捕鱼为食,或是到其他大陆去。
3.Boats and ships have been used for this purpose. 舟、船的功用就在于此。
4.The first boats were made of wood, as many are still today. 与今天仍在使用的船一样,第一艘船是用木头做的。
5.Paddles were first used to propel the boats and then sails were used. 一开始,人们用浆来保持船的平衡,然后用帆。
6.Eventually, more sails were added to give speed to the ships and boats. 渐渐地,人们用帆来加速。
7.Later, coal was used to create steam driven engines. 再往后,人们烧煤产生蒸气来推动发动机。
8.Today, most ships or boats use oil based fuels. 今天,大多数船使用石油燃料。
9.There are rules and laws at sea, called maritime law. 有很多有关海上的法律条文,称做“海事法”。
10.Thieves at sea are called pirates, they break the maritime laws. 海上的强盗叫做海盗,他们违反了“海事法”。
11.All sailors know to respect the sea as it can be a very dangerous place. 海员们都懂得如何尊敬大海,因为这是一个危机潜藏之地。
12.Perhaps drowning is one of the most feared forms of dying. 也许溺水身亡是最恐怖的死亡方式。
13.The sea bed is littered with thousands of years of shipping that sunk. 海床上堆积着几千年来的沉船。
14.Nowadays, some people dive for the treasures that sunken ships may hold. 现在,有人潜到水里寻找沉船可能藏匿的宝藏。
15.The fated ship, Titanic, has recently been one such ship, that has reviewed its sunken treasures. 命运之船-泰坦尼克就是这样一艘沉船。最近公布了其所藏匿的宝藏。
Section 45 Swimming etc.四十五 游泳
1.The crawl, the backstroke, the breathstoke and the butterfly, what are these? 蛙泳、仰泳、自由泳、蝶泳-这些是什么?
2.They are the different strokes we can use when swimming. 他们是游泳时我们可以选择的不同划水方式。
3.There are others, but these are the main ones. 还有其它的,但这些是主要的。
4.These are strokes used for swimming on the water. 这些是在水面上游泳的划水方式,
5.But what about under the water? 那水下的呢?
6.Snorkeling is a method of swimming on the surface while looking under the sea. 潜游是一种在水上游动并往水下看的游泳方式。
7.We use a tube which fix into our mouth for breathing, and a mask to help us see. 我们用一根管子插入嘴里帮助呼吸,用面罩帮助视觉。
8.This way we can skim along the surface without bringing our head out of the water for air. 这样我们可以沿水面游动而不用抬头呼吸。
9.We use scuba equipment if we want to go deeper and stay under the water for a longer time. 如果要在水里呆得更深一点更久一点,我们可以用水下自我呼吸的配套设备。
10.Scuba is an acronym for Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. 它是一种为人们在水下自我呼吸的配套设备的首字母缩写。
11.Usually when scuba diving, we will wear a special waterproof suit, a weighted belt, a mask, flippers and an oxygen tank. 通常穿着配套的水下呼吸器潜泳时,我们要穿一套特别的防水服――一条重腰带、一个面罩、蹼以及氧气瓶。
12.In order to do this kind of diving, we should first be trained, as it can be dangerous. 要进行这样的潜水,我们首先要经过训练,因为这具有危险性。
13.Another form of diving is to plunge into the water from above the surface. 另一种(游泳方式)跳水方式是从水面上直接插入水中。
14.This is also an event in the Olympic Games, which involves many different styles. 这也是奥运会的一个项目,它包含有很多不同形式。
15.Synchronized swimming is a form of dance performed in the water, and is also an Olympic event. 水上芭蕾是一种在水上表演的舞蹈,也是奥运会项目之一。
16.So we can use the water in many exciting and interesting ways. 所以我们可以在水里进行许多刺激而又有趣的活动。
Section 46 Holidays四十六 假日
1.How often do you go on holidays? 你隔多长时间去度假?
2.Do you mean to have a break from work or to travel? 你指的是不工作休息一段时间还是去旅游呢?
3.I mean to travel out of your area. 我指的是离开你居住的地方到别处旅游。
4.Ah, well, that depends how much money I have to spend. 噢,那得看我有多少钱可花。
5.What do you mean? 什么意思?
6.Well, if I have a lot of money, I will go abroad, you know, to visit another country. 就是说,如果我有很多钱,我会出国,到其它国家旅游。
7.And if not, then I will just go to the local beach, or visit some local places of interest. 如果没有呢?
8.What sort of places would you visit locally on holiday? 那我就只到附近的海滨或好玩的地方走走。
9.Sometimes I will visit friends or relatives, or perhaps I will go to visit museums, art galleries or ancient buildings. 假期里,你会到附近什么地方去?
10.Anything else? 有时我会拜访朋友或亲戚,或者参观博物馆、艺术馆或古代建筑。
11.Yes. I will go to the countryside and climb some mountains. What about you? 还有其它的吗?
12.Me? I always go abroad to see other countries and cultures. 有,我会到乡下、去爬山,你呢?
13.But that can be expensive counted. 我?我常到国外去,看看其它国家和不同的文化。
14.Not if you go to countries which are much cheaper than yours. 但那样很贵,不是吗?
15.Then your money can go much further. 不全是,如果你到一个生活水平比较低的国家去,你的钱就显得多余了。
Section 47 Books四十七 书籍
1.Have you any idea how many different kinds of books there are? 你知道有多少种书吗?
2.No, I don’t. But I’m sure you are going to tell me. 不知道,但我知道你会告诉我的。
3.Well, I don’t know exactly. But I do know there are a lot. 具体有多少我也不知道,但我知道有很多。
4.For example? 比如说?
5.For example, there are novels and text books, fact and fiction. 比如说,小说、课本、纪实文学、故事。
6.Ah, yes. There are many different kinds of novels, you know. 对对,你知道的,有很多种类型的小说?
7.Like crime novels, science fiction and horror and … 像侦探小说、科幻小说、恐怖小说,还有……
8.Romance. 言情小说,
9.Yes. I love romance novels. 我喜欢言情小说。
10.What about non-fiction books? 非故事类的书呢?
11.Oh, like biographies and autobiographies. 像传记、自传之类的吗?
12.Yes, and true life stories. Those can be very interesting. 是的,还有真实的生活故事,那些也非常有趣。
13.And then there are books on all sorts of other things, like science. 还有许多不同种类的书,比如科学(书籍)
14.Yes, and medicine and geography and history and travel. 是的,还有医学、地理、历史和旅游。
15.Sure. And what about children’s book? There are thousands of those. 没错,还有上千种之多的儿童书呢。
16.So we still don’t know how many different kinds there are. 这么说来,我们还不知道到底有多少种不同的书,
17.But I think there are too many to count and too many genres. 可是,我觉得多得无法计算。
Section 48 Magazines四十八 杂志
1.For just about every interest in life, there is a magazine. 几乎有关生活的每个方面,就有一本杂志。
2.What do you mean? 你指的是什么?
3.Well, you think of a subject, and you can be sure there is magazine you can buy for it. 只要你想一个主题,肯定就会有一本与之相关的杂志。
4.Yes, I suppose you are right. Why do you think that is? 我想你说的没错,那你说为什么会这样呢?
5.Probably, because the publishers of magazines make money from them. 也许杂志的发行者为了从中盈利。
6.Sure. But I think that they must also have a special interest in what they are writing about, or they get writers who know the subject to write about it. 没错,但是,我想他们应该对自己所写的方面有一定的兴趣。或者他们找一些熟悉这一题材的作者来写。
7.There are also general magazines as well. 也有一些公共的杂志。
8.Like children’s or women’s magazines, you mean? 你指的是儿童和妇女类的杂志。
9.Yah. They cover the sort of material that is of interest to a particular but wide audience. 是的,这些杂志写的是一个专门的主题,但有很多读者。
10.Um, actually I prefer reading magazines to books. 实际上,和读书相比,我更喜欢读杂志。
11.Why is that? 为什么?
12.I think it’s because I can read them quicker. 我觉得可以快一点读完。
13.Yah. You can pick them up and put them down after just a short read. 是的,你只需读一会儿,就可以把他们放下。
14.And they are usually cheaper than books. I like that. 而且他们比书便宜。这点我喜欢。
Section 49 Water四十九 水
1.H2O, have you ever thought how important it is to us? H2O,你想过它对我们的重要性吗?
2.Ah, that’s water, isn’t it? 啊,那是水,不是吗?
3.Yes. And without it, we can’t live. 是的,没有它,我们就无法生存。
4.I know that. I drink it everyday in tea, coffee and juices. 我知道,我每天喝的茶、咖啡、果汁
5.And just about every other thing I drink contains water. 以及其它饮料里都有水。
6.And it is good for washing our bodies, clothes and homes. 还有用来洗澡、洗衣服和清洗家里。
7.Of course, that’s obvious, but what about some of the less obvious uses? 当然,这些都是非常明显(的用途),那些不太明显的用途呢?
8.Well, it is used for heating, in some houses where they have central heating. 在一些有中央供暖设备的房子里,它还用于供热。
9.And it is used for transport, you know, for ships on the sea and in rivers. 你知道它也用于交通,用于海上和河上的船务运输。
10.Yah. And if we had no water, we wouldn’t have fish to eat, would we? 没错,如果没有了水,我们就没有鱼可吃了,不是吗?
11.That’s true. And our body contains a lot of water, in blood etc. 真是这样,还有,我们身体的血液等许多地方也含有大量的水分。
12.Of course. In rainfall, it helps all the plants and flowers to grow. 当然,雨水有助于植物和花儿的生长。
13.And food, imagine what foods we would be left with without water? 还有食物。想一想,如果没有了水,我们还有什么东西可吃。
14.It doesn’t bear thinking about, does it? 根本无法想像,是吗?
15.We wouldn’t even have paper without water, nor ink. 没有,我们也不可能有纸和墨水。
16.In fact, without water, we could hardly have life, could we? 实际上,没有了水,我们几乎无法生存,是吗?
Section 50 Positions五十 姿势
1.How many different positions can you think of? 你能想到几种不同的姿势?
2.Positions of what? Body positions, you mean? 什么姿势,你指的是身体姿势吗?
3.Yah. You know, like standing, sitting, lying. 是的,比如站着、坐着、躺着。
4.Well, even those you mentioned have different positions. 就你指的那几种,也还有不同的姿势。
5.Yah. Like standing or sitting up straight or slouched, or lying flat on one’s back. 是的,比如站直、坐直、平躺或侧卧。
6.And there is kneeling and crawling. 还有跪着和蜷着。
7.Jumping and hopping are sort of positions, but not really. 跳,也是一种姿势,但不全是。
8.Why not? 为什么不是?
9.Because I always think of positions as fixed for a period of time, you know, longer than a jump or a hop. 因为,我总认为姿势应保持一段时间不变,比跳的时间要长。
10.Yah, ok. So what other body positions are there? 好吧,那还有什么别的身体姿势吗?
11.How about the kowtow? I know it’s a sort of kneeling position. 嗑头呢?我知道它是一种跪的姿势,
12.But it still counts, yah? 但也应算做是,你说呢?
13.Ok, squatting that’s another position. 那蹲也算是另一种姿势。
14.And bowing and curtsying are also positions. 那弯腰和屈膝行礼也是姿势。
15.Upside down and back to front, they count too. 倒挂和转身也算是。
16.Inside out is also a position, but I can’t imagine it as a body position, can you? 从里向外翻也是一种姿势,但是无法把它想像成身体的一种姿势?你说呢?
Section 51 Toilet五十一 洗手间
1.Do you know what euphemism is? 你知道隐喻是什么吗?
2.Sure. It’s when we use a polite word instead of a more accurate one. 当然,它是我们用一个礼貌用词来代替一个准确用词。
3.That’s right. And I was thinking that there are probably more euphemisms for toilet than any other word. 没错,我想有关“洗手间”一词的隐喻比其它词多得多。
4.Yah. I can think of loads, like WC, washroom, bathroom, powder room, little boy’s room and lavatory, loo, bog and some words which are really not very polite at all. 对,我可以想出一大堆。
5.But do you know that the word toilet can also be a verb? 像WC、洗手间、浴室、化妆间、小孩房等。
6.No, I didn’t. How? 还有LAVATORY、LOO、BOG以及一些实在还是很雅致的词。
7.Well, many many years ago, people would say to do one’s toilet which meant to wash and dress. 你知道“TOILET”也可作为动词吗?
8.So which do you think is the best one to use? 不,不知道。怎么用呢?
9.Well, I think it depends where you are. 很多年以前,人们说“做某人洗手间”,指的是洗澡和更衣。
10.In China, for example, most people will call it the WC. 那你觉得哪一个是最好的用法呢?
11.Yah. That’s short for water closet, isn’t it? 我想它取决于你在哪里。比如在中国,大多数人称之为“WC”。
12.Um. But the Americans seem to prefer to use bathroom or washroom or even restroom. 它是“WATER CLOSET”的缩写,是吗?
13.The British often use gents or ladies. 嗯,但是美国人似乎倾向于使用浴室、洗涤间或是休息室。
14.And I have also seen the word lavatory used on some aeroplanes. 英国人常用“男厕”或“女厕”,我也在一些飞机上见过“LAVATORY”一词。
15.I think the best thing is to listen to what the people use in the country you are in, and copy that. 我想最好听听你所在国家人们的用词习惯,并跟着他们说。
Section 52 Washing五十二 洗涤
1.Did you know that the use of soap to wash the body is quite a relatively recent thing? 你知道时兴用肥皂洗澡并不太久吗?
2.No. What did they use before? 不知道。以前人们用什么呢?
3.Powders and perfume, I suppose. 我想是用粉和香料,
4.But people didn’t used to wash as much as we do today. 但是人们不像现在这样常洗。
5.If you think about it, baths and showers were not used much until 100 years or so ago, or perhaps even less. 请你想一想,沐浴和洗澡,是近百年左右或者更近一点才比较普遍。
6.Yah. Showers in most countries are a recent habit. 对,在大多数国家,淋浴只是一种新的习惯。
7.What about saunas and Turkish baths? 那桑拿土耳其浴呢?
8.Well, the ancient Greeks and Romans had baths, and possibly they had steam bath too. That’s a bit like saunas. 古希腊和古罗马也洗澡,他们大概也用蒸气,有点像桑拿。
9.But no showers? 没有淋浴吗?
10.I don’t think so. And no shower jell to wash with, or shower caps to keep the hair dry. 我认为不是这样,而且没有沐浴露,没有防止头发沾湿的浴帽。
11.I think that nowadays more people shower than bath, don’t you? 我想现在淋浴的人比泡澡的多,你认为呢?
12.Yes. Well, you need a bigger room for a bath than a shower, don’t you? 没错,泡澡比淋浴需要的窨更大,是吗?
13.And showers are quicker, and don’t use so much water. 淋浴比较快,用的水也没那么多。
14.That’s important with the modern concern about water consumption. 从现代水消费的观念来讲,这一点很重要。
15.But I think it is more luxurious to relax in a hot bath. 我觉得在热水里泡澡放松挺奢侈的。
16.Me too. 我也有同感。
Section 53 Toys五十三 玩具
1.The first toy I remember being given was a doll. 我记得收到的第一个玩具是个布娃娃。
2.You probably had other toys, you know, squeaky tings when you are a baby. 也许你小的时候也会有其它的玩具,比如会叫的东西。
3.Maybe. What was the first toy you can remember? 也许。你记得的第一件玩具是什么呢?
4.I think it was probably a car or a gun. 我想也许是一辆车或一支枪。
5.Um. That’s because you are a boy and I am a girl. 嗯,那是因为你是男孩而我是女孩。
6.Yah. Well, boys get boy’s toys and girls get dolls and pretend babies, don’t they? 是的,男孩有男孩的玩具而女孩则会有布娃娃似的小人,是吗?
7.Yes. But I am not sure it is the right thing to do though. 是的,但我不知道是否该这样做。
8.Why not? 为什么不呢?
9.Because it preconditions the sexes what to expect to be or do when they are older. 因为这提前约束了不同的性别,暗示了他们长大后应该和不应该做的事。
10.Yah. But not all toys are gender driven, are they? 没错,但不是所有的玩具都有性别暗示,不是吗?
11.I suppose not. What can you think of what is not gender driven? 我想不是,你怎么判断它不具有性别暗示呢?
12.How about jigsaw puzzles, you know, where you put pieces together to make a picture? 拼图游戏怎样呢,就是那种把碎片拼成一幅图的游戏。
13.Oh, yes. And crayons, pens, pencils. 是的,蜡笔、颜料、铅笔。
14.Yes. And board games are not usually specific for boys or girls, are they? 是的,拼板游戏通常也不限于男孩或女孩,不是吗?
15.No, not normally. But are they toys or games? Is there a difference? 是的,不全是,但他们是玩具不是游戏呢?有什么不同?