英语你我他文法篇10:主词+不及物动词+主词补语 (3)
教程:英语你我他文法篇  浏览:2989  
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  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

    S主词 Vi不及物动词 Vt及物动词 SC主词补语

    O受词 OC受词补语 IO间接受词 DO直接受词

    S + Vi + SC

    David is my younger brother. David是我的弟弟。

    He is a smart boy. 他是个聪明的孩子。

    My father is a math teacher. 我父亲是数学老师。

    John and Mary are in love. John跟Mary谈恋爱了。

    He often complains about his low salary. 他常常抱怨薪水太低。

    I'm afraid of cockroaches. 我怕蟑螂。

    The problem is that I don't know him. 问题是我不认识他。

    I'm sure he doesn't like cheese. 我确定他不喜欢起司。

    She is always quick to react. 她一向反应很快。

    It's sure to rain. 一定会下雨。

    Don't be afraid to ask questions. 别怕问问题。

      上一篇:英语你我他文法篇9:主词+不及物动词+主词补语 (2) 下一篇:英语你我他文法篇11:主词+及物动词+受词 (1)

