Wedding custom around the world (12)
Italy:Ribbons signify the tying together of two lives. A ribbon is tied a cross the front of the church door to symbolize the wedding bond. Wedding guests have for centuries tossed confetti1)(sugared almonds2))at the newly-weds. Sometimes, these decorate each place at reception tables--pretty little porcelain3) boxes or tulle4) bags called bomboniere, which are personalized with the couple’s names and wedding date--to symbolize the sweet(sugar)and bitter.
Russia:Wedding guests don’t only give presents--they get them. The bride gives friends and relatives favors of sweets. They give her money after the wedding. After the couple are crowned in a Russian Orthodox ceremony, they race to stand on a white rug5). It is believed that whoever steps on it first will be the master of the household.
Spain:The groom gives thirteen coins to the bride, symbolizing his ability to support and care for her. During the ceremony, she carries them in a special purse, or a young girl carries them on a pillow or handkerchief. Wed ding guests dance a sequidillas manchegas at the reception, during which each guest presents the bride with a gift.
意大利:彩带意味着两个人的结合。在教堂的门前横系一根彩带, 以示结为连理。几个世纪以来人们还保持着这样一个习俗, 即婚礼的来宾们向新婚夫妇扔甜杏仁。有时, 人们还用饰有新婚夫妇姓名和结婚日期的漂亮的小瓷盒或者软薄的绸纱袋来装饰待客桌, 以此象征着同甘共苦。
俄罗斯:婚礼的宾客不仅送给新婚夫妇礼物, 他们还可以从新婚夫妇那里获得礼物。新娘送给朋友和亲戚甜点, 婚礼后这些朋友和亲戚再送给新娘钱。在俄罗斯的东正教婚礼仪式上, 新婚夫妇被宣布结为夫妇后, 要赛跑至一块白色地毯上。人们认为谁先踏上地毯, 谁就将成为一家之主。
西班牙:新郎向新娘赠送13枚硬币以表示他有能力供养和照顾她。在婚礼上, 新娘带着这些装入一个特殊的钱袋里的硬币, 或放在枕头上或手绢里由一个小姑娘捧着。出席婚礼的客人跳一种叫sequidillas manchegas的舞蹈, 其间, 每个客人向新娘献上一份礼物。
NOTE 注释:
1. confetti [kEn5feti(:)] n. (旧时狂欢节或庆祝场合抛撒的)糖果, (婚礼、狂欢节中抛撒的)五彩纸屑
2. almond [5B:mEnd] n. 杏仁
3. porcelain [5pC:slin, -lein] adj. 瓷制的
4. tulle [tju:l] n. 薄纱
5. rug [rQ^] n. (小)地毯, 垫子