英语沙龙十年合集珍藏版第三辑Double Cross
教程:英语沙龙十年合集珍藏版第三辑  浏览:2082  
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    Double Cross


    Janet pulled the page from her typewriter and looked nervously at her wristwatchIt was almost timeFrom the inneroffice came sounds of her boss preparing to leaveThe sounds of doors opening and closingThese sounds were wellknown to her after eight years as his secretary

    GoodnightJanetI‘ll see you Monday morning as usual.”He was quick and friendly

    GoodnightMrMason,”she said with a weak smile

    Perhaps she only imagined the look of concern in his eyes as he walked outJanet covered her typewriterShe pulled a lipstick1and a mirror from her purseHer hands were cold and shaky when she began to redden her lips and run a comb through her hairThere would be no time to stop at the women’s restroom this evening to do thisShe felt a terror slowly rising up inside herselfHow could she ever go through with itBut she knew she mustIt was too late to retreatShe reached into a drawer and pulled out a knitting basket and a ball of wool with needles sticking outAt the bottom of the basket lay three microfilms2)each in a metal caseShe stared at themfeeling guiltyShe felt a nervous shock as the whistle blewShe stuffed the wool back into the basketShe seized her purse and took a last look a round the officeThen she walked into the hallfilled with secretaries and clerks hurrying homeClick of highheels made the pounding of Janet’ s heart seem louderas she moved along with the crowdIt was like every FridayThere was a noisy excitement in the air

    Janet held her purse in one hand with the knitting basket hooked over her wristAs she looked ahead down the long ramp leading to the guard’s gateher heart sankBeside the regular guard Scotty there was a guard she never saw beforeHe was helping Scotty inspect the people moving through the gateHe looked at their passes and badgesHe peered into their purses3) and lunchpailsMore carefully than Scottyit seemedJanet retreated to the doorway of the buildingAs a ruleshe did not leave so early and had forgotten that an extra guard was stationed at the gate at this hour.“Be calm,”she said to herself.“Be naturalEverything depends on getting through that gate.”Getting the microfilm had been easy enough with her security clearanceBut getting them past the guard would be the test

    She remembered how she and her husband Charles had gone overstep by stepwhat she was to doThey had prepared for monthsHe had worked it all out even before he to ld her what he wanted her to doIt was well known that Janet was still a young brideIt seemed naturalthereforeto use a knitting basket to smuggle4) the films out of the plantThey chose the night when her old friend Scottya senior guard on the forcetook his turn at the gateShe had spent the whole past month working on himShe often left the plant late and stopped at the gate to chat with himShe talked a bout his boy who was in the navyAnd she spoke about the little things she was knittingA few timesshe tested him by being chattysaying nothing about the knittingand then passing the knitting through without inspection

    The crowd at the gate got thinand the extra guard waved to Scotty as he moved off in the opposite directionJanet closed her eyes a second and took a deep breathNowAs naturally as possibleshe moved down the rampShe hoped the smile on her face did not appear as stiff as it feltShe swallowed twice before she greeted her friend,“HelloScootyhow are you?”She felt a rush of guilt as a smile broke across his face browned by the sun

    Good eveningMrsHeathYou are early tonight.”

    Yesmy husband is meeting meScotty.”She held out her pass with her picture on it and pulled back her coat so he could see her badge pinned to her dress

    Scotty nodded,“How’s the knitting?”

    This was itShe removed a baby‘s woolen bootee5) and held it out for his inspection.“I’ve finished this one but haven’ t done much on the other.”A horn honked.“Ohthere’ s my husbandI have to runGoodnightScotty。”She wondered if her voice sounded as shaky to him as it did to her own earsShe crushed the bootee back into the basket and squeezed past the guard houseShe half ran along the sidewalkShe forced herself to remain calm and slowed downShe walked toward the green car parked at the curbShe was shaking so much that she could not turn the handle of the doorCharles reached over to open it for her and she slid into the seat beside him

    He looked at her.“Did you get them?”His voice was tenseHe showed pressure he must have been feeling while sitting there waiting for her to come through the gate

    Yes,”she nodded with a dead feeling

    Good girlI know you could do it.”The car moved off into the traffic.“Did you have any trouble getting the stuff?”Charles was pleasant again and gave her a cigarette.“Just try to relax,”he said.“Everything is all right.”

    At last the car turned into a quiet streetCharles reached into the knitting basket and took the three shiny discsHe put them inside his coat pocketthen handed her the bask etHe kissed her.“See you later.”

    She entered her apartment like a person in a fogShe crossed to the wide window and looked outHer husband’s green car was pulling away from the stoplight at the end of the streetShe looked up and down the street then saw what she was looking forA black car moved out from the driveway beyond the apartment house and followed her husbandBehind the black car was another oneInside the car was her boss.“Well,”she said to the empty room,“That’ s that.”But she continued standinglooking out into the streetlong after the three cars had disappeared from sigh

    She still felt numb6)deadShe wondered when she would begin to feel somethingthe pain and guilt of a wife who had betrayed her husbandShe thought back over every thing that led up to that betrayal――the night less than six weeks after their marriageShe lay with her head on his arm and his hand gently stroked her hairHe confessed to her his connections and told her what he expected her to doShe remembered the horror she felt over this terrible requestthe shock and disbeliefHer instinct had been to cry outto rebelBut some inner voice had warned her to be carefulThis was something bigger than just herself and her marriagea marriage now broken into little piecesAnd it had been something bigger than herself which made her tell her boss the factsHis calmness quieted herShe was able later to listen to a plan he developed together with the FBI  for her to go along with her husband’s plans

    It was almost dark outside when she turned from the window and reached for a tablelampShe crossed the room and opened a door to the clothesclosetShe reached for a clothes hangerSuddenly she stoppedOne side of the closet was emptyAll his clothes were goneShe looked around the roomAll his things were goneas if there never had been such a person as Charles HeathShe was sharply hit by the whole meaning of the situationCharles had never meant to returnShe had just been his tool ――he married her for his purposeShe wondered how many other tools there had been before herShe started to laughThen her laughter turned into sobsgreat heaving sobsAnd she threw herself across the bedAs she gave in to her misery7)there was a fleeting thought:“I’ll cry tonightTomorrowI‘ll call my lawyer.”




















      上一篇:英语沙龙十年合集珍藏版第三辑Rude Awakening 下一篇:英语沙龙十年合集珍藏版第三辑The Doll and a White Rose


