教程:英语沙龙十年合集珍藏版第三辑  浏览:1160  
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    Last fall I was asked to speak to 3,000employees of a  large supermarket chain in the Midwest on building customer loyalty1) and regenerating2) the spirit in your workplace

    One of the ideas I stressed was the importance adding a personalsignatureto your workWith all the downsizingreengineeringoverwhelming technological changes and stress in the workplaceI think it is essential for each of us to find a way we can really feel good about ourselves and our jobsOne of the most powerful ways to do this is to do something that differentiates3) you from the other people that do the same thing you do

    I shared the example of a United Airlines pilotwhoafter everything is under control in the cockpit4)goes to the computer and randomly selects several people on board the flight and handwrites them a thankyou note for their businessA graphic artist I work with always encloses a piece of sugarless gum in everything he sends his customersso you never throw away any mail from him

    A Northwest Airlines baggage attend ant decided that his personal signature would be to collect all the luggage tags that fall off customers’ suitcaseswhich in the past have been simply tossed in the garbageand in his free time send them back with a note thanking them for flying NorthwestA senior manager with whom I worked decided that his personal signature would be to attach Kleenex to memos that he knows his employees won’t like very much

    After sharing several other examples of how people add their unique spirit to their jobsI challenged the audience to get their creative juices flowing and to come up with their own creative personal signature

    About three weeks after I had spoken to the supermarket employeesmy phone rang late one afternoonThe person on the line told me that his name was Johnny and that he was a bagger in one of the storesHe also told me that he was a person with Down’s syndrome5)He said,“BarbaraI liked what you said.”Then he went on to tell me that when he’d gone home that nighthe asked his dad to teach him to use the computerHe said they set up a programand each night now when he goes homehe finds a thought for the day.”He said when he can’t find one he likeshethinks one up.”Then he types it into the computerprints out multiple copiescuts them outand signs his name on the back of each oneThe next dayas he bags customers’ groceries6)--“with flourish”--he puts a thought for the day in each person’s groceriesadding his own personal signature in a heartwarmingfun and creative way

    One month later the manager of the store called meHe said,“Barbarayou won’t believe what happened todayWhen I went out on the floor this morningthe line at Johnny’s checkout was three times longer than any other lineI went ballistic yelling,‘Get more lanes openGet more people out therebut the customers said,‘No noWe want to be in Johnny’s lane--we want the thought for the day.’”

    The manager said one woman approached him and said,“I only used to shop once a weekNow I come here every time I go by because I want the thought for the day.”(Imagine what that does to the bottom line.)He ended by saying,“Who do you think is the most important person in our whole storeJohnnyof course.”

    Three months later he called me again.“You and Johnny have transformed our storeNow in the floral departmentwhen they have a broken flower or an unused corsage7)they go out on the floor and find an elderly woman or a little girl and pin it on themOne of our meat packers loves Snoopyso he bought 50,000Snoopy stickersand each time he packages a piece of meathe puts a Snoopy sticker on itWe are having so much funand so are our customers.”

    That is spirit in the workplace


    by Barbara AGlanz














    NOTE 注释:

    1. loyalty [5lCIEltI] n. 忠诚,诚信

    2. regenerating [ri5dVenEritiN] n. 激发活力

    3. differentiate [7difE5renFieit] v. 区别, 区分

    4. cockpit [5kCkpit] n. 驾驶员座舱

    5. syndrome [5sindrEum] n. 综合病症

    6. groceries [5^rEJsIrIIs] n. 食品;杂货

    7. corsage [kC:5sB:V] n. 装饰花



      上一篇:英语沙龙十年合集珍藏版第三辑How to Write a Data Sheet1) 下一篇:英语沙龙十年合集珍藏版第三辑How to Write Cover or Application Letters


