As is shown in the drawing above, a male student is reflecting on the several part-time jobs he has, including being a private tutor, being a waiter, giving out promotional leaflets and selling mobile phones.
A great many people criticize college students for doing part-time jobs on the grounds thatworking part-time tends to interfere with their studies, and that the little extra amount of money earned doesn't compensate for the fatigue incurred by working and studying at the same time. Nevertheless, I have a different opinion. For one thing, it is true that the money earned from part-time jobs is small, but it makes a lot of difference as tuition fees and the cost of living are soaring day by day. For another, doing part-time jobs enables a graduate to add work experience to his or her CV which could help him or her find a job on graduation.
To sum up, working part-time is a rewarding experience-both financially and yielding valuable work experience that will pay dividends both now and in the future.
male student 男学生
private tutor 私人家教
waiter 服务员
give out 分发
promotional leaflet 宣传单
criticize 批评
grounds 充分理由,根据
extra 额外的
fatigue 疲惫
incur 带来
nevertheless 不过
tuition fee 学费
cost of living 生活成本
soar 飞涨
day by day 一天天
CV 简历
rewarding 值得的
financially 经济上
yield 产生
dividend 股息
Although spending 10 to 15 hours a week in a fast-food restaurant doesn't seem to take up too much time, it still reduces the time that should otherwise be spent studying.