Deciding which career path to follow is always a difficult choice for a new graduate. In the picture above there are three choices to choose from.
Perhaps your choice has already been made by the major you have just spent four years studying. Maybe there is the choice your parents want you to make. There may also be influence from a boyfriend or girlfriend as to which city you will live in. And maybe you have your own preference. These are all legitimate influences which affect your choice but at the end of the day it must be your choice. You may well spend the rest of your life in that career so it is best to sit down and think carefully about the most important decision you will ever make.
You cannot always know in advance which is the right career path to follow, but if you choose and then follow it wholeheartedly, then you will have made the right career choice.
influence 影响
boyfriend 男友
girlfriend 女友
legitimate 合情合理的,正当的
wholeheartedly 全心全意地
1 Lawyers must have outstanding reasoning skills and an excellent memory; firefighters must be physically strong; and pilots who fly at high altitudes must have good eyesight.
2 In order to decrease the risk of chronic unemployment after graduation, college students should consider whether a specific career is "hot" or not before making a choice.