How to Prevent Cheating
Nowadays, people pay more attention to the children's education. With this great care, the students, especially the undergraduates, cheat in the exams, even in the undergraduate thesis. Thus, the loss of good faith results in a great many problems in our society.
First of all, cheating will lead to an unfair competition, which will prevent the students from studying hard. They will think that the grades are gained so easily that they need not spending much time in learning. Second, cheating will endanger the students in the long run, for without learning students will learn little things in the college and they are not able to meet the need of the society after they take up a job. Last but not least, cheating will pose a great threat to our society, because it is a kind of loss of good faith and definitely will slow down the progress of our society.
Therefore, we should take effective measures as soon as possible to prevent cheating. On the one hand, the students should be educated to realize the danger of cheating in the exams or even the undergraduate thesis. On the other hand, strict punishment should be put into use. (198 words)
undergraduates n. 大学本科生
the loss of good faith 诚信的缺失
result in 导致,引起
endanger v. 危及,使遭遇危险
in the long run 从长远看来
meet the need of 满足......需求
take up 从事
last but not least 最后同样重要的是......
definitely adv.一定地,肯定地
put into use 投入使用
1. The loss of good faith results in a great many problems in our society. 诚信的沦丧导致了我们社会的许多重大问题。
2. Cheating will endanger the students in the long run, for without learning students will learn little things in the college and they are not able to meet the need of the society after they take up a job. 从长远看来,作弊会使学生陷入危机,因为学生在大学里不学无术,工作后就无法满足社会需求。
3. Cheating will pose a great threat to our society, because it is a kind of loss of good faith and definitely will slow down the progress of our society. 作弊会对社会造成巨大的威胁,因为这是一种道德的沦丧,势必会减缓社会前进的脚步。
4. On the one hand, the students should be educated to realize the danger of cheating in the exams or even the undergraduate thesis. On the other hand, strict punishment should be put into use. 一方面,应该教导学生,使他们意识到考试作弊或毕业论文抄袭的危险性。另一方面,应对作弊行为施以严惩。