话题二:行为习惯 Writing 1 高考英语高分范文2
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    Writing 1  假设你叫李华,你的同班同学小明觉得自己的手机太旧,想买个最新的iPhone 6S plus,可是他的父母不同意,为此他很苦恼。请你给他写封信,谈谈你的看法。



    Dear Xiao Ming,

    Recently,you have been in low spirits,as I observe.Much as you may complain about your old cell phone or your parents' objections to purchasing a brand-new iPhone 6S plus,you should never ever be furious or lose hope,especially when you're in the critical time of Senior 3.I'm writing to you to talk about the necessity to change your mind as well as give some feasible solutions.

    From my perspective,there is apparently no need to follow the trends blindly to buy an iPhone 6S plus.First and foremost,you should take study as a priority as you will be encountering entrance examination soon.You're obliged to set up your objectives right away or you would regret your hesitation during this decisive crossroads later on.Simultaneously,as you will soon step into the society,financial burden of your family should be placed in front of you.Five thousand yuan of the price is definitely not a small amount if you only seek sheer entertainment rather than self-improvement.Also,it's noteworthy that cell phones only serve as a means of communication and your old cell phone can already provide you with sufficient functions.

    The solution to this problem can be manifold.First,you can enhance face to face socialization and get involved in moderate physical exercise to relieve stress.Also,you should go after your educational accomplishment and bear in mind the principle of you reap what you sow.If you insist on purchasing,make reciprocal communication with your parents and let them know your reasons.

    I hope to hear from you soon that you've already cheered up.

    Best regards.


    Li Hua

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