话题二:行为习惯 Writing 1 高考英语高分范文3
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    Writing 1  假设你叫李华,你的同班同学小明觉得自己的手机太旧,想买个最新的iPhone 6S plus,可是他的父母不同意,为此他很苦恼。请你给他写封信,谈谈你的看法。



    Dear Xiao Ming,

    I hear that you are bothered by the fact that you want an iPhone 6S plus because your cell phone is too old,while your parents object to the idea.In my opinion,it's not necessary at the time to ask for a new phone,and the following are three reasons.

    First of all,the use of a cell phone is to keep us connected with others,especially our parents.In this case,your old cell phone perfectly satisfies the basic need.Since it's not broken yet,you can use it to call others or text people.

    Furthermore,the additional functions of an iPhone 6S plus like the applications will very possibly distract you from your studies.There are millions of games,instant message tools and other applications that will leave you playing with them all the time.As a senior in high school,the primary focus should be your studies.These distractions will do you great harm and can affect your school performance.

    Last but not least,it's bad if you want to use the iPhone 6S plus to show you're on trend.It's never a good thing to follow the trends blindly because it will lead you to lose the sense of judgment.You should always stick to your own value no matter what all others are doing so long as you think you're right.

    To conclude,I would suggest you consider comprehensively about the idea of buying an iPhone 6S plus and make the right decision.As for me,I don't think it necessary to do so.I hope that you can find out what you really need.


    Li Hua

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