话题二:行为习惯 Writing 4 高考英语高分范文
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    Writing 4  Dick,the boy with glasses on,is a top student.He is always busy with his own study.The other boy called John is turning to him for help,but Dick seems unwilling…



    As is shown in the picture,Dick,a top student with glasses on,is engaged in his own study,while John,the boy beside him,is turning to him for help.Dick remained silent,with an unwilling look on his face,as if he didn't hear the request of him.

    From my point of view,top students should spare no effort to help their classmates rather than turn a deaf ear to his peers.To begin with,a student is valued not only by his marks,but by his emotional qualities as well.Good marks as top students may have,they're obliged to improve their emotional quality,which means they should never be stingy but should be generous and ready to help others.Not only should top students keep their own marks stable,but also they should try to improve the class' academic performances.In the second place,mutual respect is essential in today's society.The refusal of helping your peers reflects your looking down upon your classmates,which is by no means a correct attitude for good students.By contrast,the willingness to help your peers may lead to a true friendship between each other,which is sure to benefit you a lot.Last but not least,everyone has his own advantages and disadvantages.Helping each other to overcome his disadvantages will let both of you learn something new and improve together.

    In conclusion,top students ought to help their peers,which is their responsibility and may help themselves in turn as well.

      上一篇:话题二:行为习惯 Writing 3 高考英语高分范文 下一篇:话题二:行为习惯 好词好句

