Writing 10 请仔细观察图片,并写一篇作文。你的作文必须包括以下内容:
As is vividly shown in the picture,we can see a man with his little chicken,whose finger points at a duck swimming freely in the pond.However,the chicken is quite frightened at the idea that the man wants him to imitate the duck to swim.
Laughable at first glance,the picture has a practical meaning in our life.We can easily compare the man to some parents,who impose huge pressure on their children on a daily basis to force them to do what they are not able to do.To me,the reasons for their behaviors are understandable but I'm sure that the consequences won't be satisfactory.
Though all of us have some ability that hasn't been explored yet,we don't have to achieve everything our fellows have achieved,because we are born different.The genius of the system of human beings is that we each have our own talent and personalities,so that we can cooperate to build a better future of civilization.In this case,we should identify our own strong points and interests instead of being forced to imitate others and do what we can't do.
Just like the chicken that can't swim by nature,we have something we can't attain,either.Please consider twice before you make your children to do everything.