Writing 2 [上海市高三英语一模(徐汇区) ]当前人们的旅游方式多种多样,有人选择团队游(Package tour),有人则喜欢自助游(Self-organized tour)。请参考下面表格中的提示,介绍你喜欢的旅游方式,并说明你的理由。
团队游 自助游
1.花销少,有导游服务 1.自由随意
2.易结交朋友 2.可调整行程
3.不够自由 3.需自理食宿
Nowadays,people have a variety of ways to travel.Some people choose package tour while others prefer self-organized tour.In my opinion,a self-organized tour has many advantages over package tour in many aspects.
As the saying goes,life is like a box of chocolate.So I may well meet something inspiring me on my journey.The self-organized tour provides me with the flexibility to adjust my journey freely while the package tour lacks freedom.Secondly,I can go to more places that I am interested in without a guide and enrich my experience.Though package tour gives us a chance to meet new people and make new friends,travelling alone allows us to relax completely and escape from everyday matters.Besides,self-organized tour involves organizing my meals and hotels by myself,which cultivates my ability to be independent.
In a nutshell,I prefer self-organized tour to package tour.There is no denying that the package tour has its own advantages,but I still hold the view that self-organized tour benefits me more both mentally and physically.