reveal the trend that…显示出……的趋势 abuse the precious resources 滥用宝贵的自然资源
go without saying不言而喻
1.…several factors contribute to the overflow of junk message.垃圾短信的泛滥是由几个因素导致的……
2.More and more natural disasters are coming to us as the punishment from nature.就像大自然对我们人类的惩罚一样,越来越多的自然灾害发生。
3.Man's behavior,whether proper or not,can exert profound influence on nature.人们的行为,恰当与否,都会对大自然产生深远的影响。
4.Improper use of natural resources can cause such severe problems as the loss of soil,the destruction of the environment,which not only upsets the natural balance,but also expose humans to great living threats.不恰当地使用自然资源可以导致严重的问题,比如土壤的流失,环境的破坏,这样不但会破坏自然界的平衡,还会给人类的生存带来威胁。