"Sometimes imagination is a more valuable asset than experience. People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible and thus can approach a task without constraints of established habits and attitudes."
嘉文博译Sample Essay
Inevitably, there are times when imagination can be a much more valuable asset than experience. Life is full of examples of such situations. There are, however, times when the reverse is also true. No one would probably prefer, as cases in point, a first-time astronaut piloting a dangerous space mission or a newly commissioned officer leading an army into battle. But for many occupations and tasks, imagination leads to creative thinking and solutions that may be beyond the ken of someone with years of experience in that particular field.
One example that immediately comes to mind is that of the superiority of new computer software programmers. The computer software producing companies want to hire the latest graduates that have only the basic programming skills and abilities - and the creative ideas that may not have been presented to the industry before. Although years of computer programming experience may be advantageous for certain tasks, such as the building of computer network systems for businesses, the computer software industry must have the very latest in state-of-the-art design. Imagination leads to creativity that can take computer games and other types of software in directions that were never before thought possible. Innovative computer games and software can earn hundreds of millions of dollars for the company that produces them. The latest and most creative ideas come almost exclusively from the imaginations of fresh talent lacking any formal experience with computer software companies.
Another example that occurs frequently with management and human resources in business is the idea of forming cross-functional task forces to solve problems that arise in the course of doing business. Management creates cross-functional task forces by choosing individuals across several different functional areas, such as the marketing, finance, human resources and accounting departments, to form a team that will address the particular dilemma facing the company. The idea is to invite the idea of "thinking outside of the box", or looking beyond the normal solutions that would probably be proposed by management or the particular department that is affected by the problem. As an example given, suppose that an accounting department is facing a crisis caused by the application of Western accounting principles to Chinese business documentation. By inviting all departments of the organization to focus on the problem, even though most have little or no accounting experience, the company hopes to gain an imaginative solution beyond that of the experience of the accounting department alone.
Politicians give maybe the prime example of the battle between the comparative merits of imagination versus that of experience. The classic battle lines are formed when a new challenger with no political experience faces an incumbent politician with perhaps decades of experience. The newcomer will focus his or her campaign on imagination as he or she attempts to generate new ideas to solve either the age-old problems of government or newly arisen crises. The wizened old politician will focus his campaign and the issues in such a way as to maximize his experience in politics as the prerequisite for an elected leader. Generally, a given voting population opposes change. Therefore in politics, in the absence of problems that obviously require imagination and fresh ideas, the candidate with the greater experience will probably have the edge, all other things being equal.
It goes without saying that in many cases imagination can be a much greater asset than experience. What would the state of technology in the world be today without the imagination and ingenuity of Thomas Alva Edison, as an individual example, or the imagination and experimentation of the thousands of medical doctors that have dramatically advanced the medical sciences over the ages? Experience does have its advantages at times and in certain situations, but it is imagination that can take people outside of their current state of knowledge to solve problems.
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