题目:An increasing number of people are changing their jobs. What do you think are the reasons? Do you think it is positive or negative?
题目分析 以上这道雅思学术类考试的真题。这是混类类型的题目,也就是报告类和观点类的结合,在最近几年的考试中比较常见。写这类题目一定要记住两个问题都要展开,不能漏题。
1. 背景介绍
2. 原因reasons:
a. 自由的劳动力free labor force
b. 追求职业的满足和突破,而不只是求稳定pursue satisfaction and breakthrough in careerrather than security
c. 没有明确的职业规划lack clear career path
3. 好处advantages:
a. 雇主着和求职者之间的能力匹配match talents with employers
b. 增加就业经验experience
4. 坏处disadvantages:
a. 居住和人际关系上的不稳定not stable in residence and personal relation
b. 求职者的忠诚度受到考验loyalty questioned
5. 总结:
In mycountry, for the sake of stable social security andwelfare system(社保和福利体系), peopleused to be limited to(限制)a single workplace for a whole life. However,as time passes, this is no longer the case especially nowadays when people arefree to choose their occupation.
Topursue a better career or break through a professionalbottleneck (突破职业瓶颈), ratherthan secure a stable income (确保稳定的收入), young people usually opt to change their job.In addition, numbers of graduates with little working experience have notdeveloped a clear perspective of their life career. It is reasonable for themto be exposed to various workplaces, orienting to themarket needs (适应市场的需求)insociety and trying to find out their strengths and interests.
This mobility of work force (劳动力的流动性)allowsboth employees and employers to freely make their selection in the workforcemarket according to specific or tailored needs. As a consequence, they are morelikely to be matched appropriately and get satisfied in career. Meanwhile theworkplaces can be infused with more vitality and innovation under thiscircumstance. In addition, job hoppers (跳槽的人)tend to obtain diverse working experience (多样的工作经验), hence developing a high ability of adaptationto new environment.
However,there are surely risks when young people change their job too frequently. Inthat case, their loyalty can be questioned. Worse still, they are not able to settle down(安定下来) until their 30s or 40s, which usually leads to a postponed (推迟) marriage and childbirth. Additionally, changing job probably meanschanging their residential places (居住地), and this instability can influence theirfamily members negatively. On top of family relationship, their social relationnetwork can also be impaired (被削弱).
To sum up, free flow of labor force mainly results from policies which intend to (意图) encourage a more lively employment. Hopping job in moderate (温和的) frequency is helpful for young people to adapt to thesociety and recognize their personal aptitudes (天资) and ambitions in professional development. Buttoo much hopping would be harmful to their success.