如果是可数名词,那么首先考虑使用复数形式。例如:Today many students use computers to do homework.
其次,如果语境是想表达一个,并且任何一个都可以,则用不定冠词 a 或 an。例如:Many parents choose to buy a computer as a birthday gift for their children.
如果语境是想表达特定的那一个,则用不定冠词 the。例如:You can use the computer in the sitting room to surf the Internet.
切记,可数名词不能“裸奔”,要有冠词或者用复数形式。例如This policy has positive effect on companies这样的句子就是错误的,因为effect是可数名词,这里出现了“裸奔”的情况。可以改成:This policy has a positive effect on companies. 或This policy has positive effects on companies.
需要注意的是,可数名词有时会出现在介词后面,有可能是词组搭配,此时该名词前不需要加冠词。例如:at university/school; by car等等。
另外,可数名词复数的前面通常不需要加定冠词,除非是特指。有些小“烤鸭”们喜欢这样做,觉得冠词和复数都用上,就能“万无一失”,实则是很有问题的。例如:Learning can be personalised to help the students.这个句子里的the students就是不恰当的,因为这里所说的学生并非特指哪一些学生。可以改成:Learning can be personalised to help students.或Learning can be personalised to help the students with learning difficulties.改正的第二个句子里的students因为后面有了介词短语做修饰,指那些“有学习障碍的学生”,是特指,因此前面加上定冠词the才比较准确。
首先,不可数名词不用复数形式。例如句子Some young people can receive trainings就是错的,因为training是不可数名词,应改为Some young people can receive training.
其次,不可数名词不加不定冠词 a 或 an。例如句子It is difficult to find a full-time employment就是不对的,因为employment是不可数名词,应改为It is difficult to find full-time employment或It is difficult to find a full-time job,job是可数名词,前面可以加不定冠词a。
最后,不可数名词一般不用定冠词 the。例如句子We can acquire the knowledge by reading books,这句话里的knowledge并不特指是哪些知识,什么知识,所以不用加the来特指,可以改为We can acquire knowledge by reading books. 当然,如果特指是什么knowledge,可以在前面加定冠词the,例如:We can acquire the knowledge about history by reading books.