This letter is in reference to SABIR PATEL. SABIR worked for me in the IT Department at DFH for 4 years. He began here as SE, and after several promotions, ended his service as END POSITON.
During SABIR's service with us I spent considerable time with him, very goal oriented, SABIR was always punctual. He was dedicated to his work and the job at hand.
SABIR demonstrated from early in his tenure that he understood what business is all about. He was well organized. He was quite aware of the bottom line, and had a knack for recognizing and eliminating waste. I suppose doing well in business is easy if you are, as he was, efficient by nature.
I would like to be very clear about why SABIR is no longer with us. SABIR is available for new challenges only because of his desire to learn and grow further. We would have loved to see him stay, but certainly understand his need to advance beyond the positions we have available.
In closing, let me say I have no hesitation in recommending SABIR PATEL for any position pertaining to computer science. I feel confident he would be an asset to your organization.
Sincerely yours,
* I am writing to you to recommend…
* I would like to present…. For your consideration in your search for a qualified manager.
* With reference to your requirements, I shall, without reservation, recommend….as an ideal candidate.
* Before concluding the letter, I would again apply myself to convincing you that…
* I am wring to stand by Mr. …for…
* I would like to lend my support to … for… his
* Therefore, I don’s hesitate to recommend…as the right person for your consideration.
* Any favorable consideration to this letter would be considered a personal favor.
I would like to thank you for your attention to this letter and restate my support to Mr…
consideration credit career employ
cooperate enterprise desirous enclose
reservation inform experience graduate
handle PhD degree Master's degree obtain
offer one's service convince position post graduate
qualify senior clerk responsible scholarship
render one's service trust undergraduate have a good command of
personality character diligent recommend