Givereasons for your answer and incline any relevant examples from your ownknowledge or experience.
Key words analysis
motorway: 高速公路,美式常用express way
cover long distances:覆盖很长的距离
incline: 向…倾斜,这里指用一些相关的例子去证明
relevant: 相关的
Possible reasons:
Possible solutions:
Model Essay 1 – Part 1
Many countries in the world rely onmotorways for speedy and efficient transportation, as they are a veryconvenient way of travelling long distances. However, motorways also havenegative aspects such as dangerous traffic, damage to the environment and pollution.In this essay, I will look at some of the problems of motorways and how theycan be overcome.
Main body 1
One major problem of motorways is that theycan be dangerous. In many countries, the speed limit on motorways is very high.This means that any accidents are more likely to be serious and involve manyvehicles. Sometimes in bad weather, several vehicles crash into each other andmany people are killed or injured. This problem could be solved in a number ofways. People could have special lessons on how to drive safely on motorways. Inaddition, special signs could be displayed when driving conditions are bad tomake people drive more slowly and safely. Alternatively, the general speedlimit could be reduced slightly.
Model Essay 1 – Part 2
Main body 2
Secondly, motorways can spoil theenvironment. Motorways often go through beautiful areas and may damage plantsand wildlife. This problem could be avoided by building motorways through lessbeautiful
areas or putting some sections in tunnels:In addition, the large amount of traffic on motorways produces both airpollution and noise pollution. However, governments could help to reduce airpollution by making environmentally - friendly cars cheaper. Noise pollutioncould be reduced by changing motorway surfaces or by putting up soundprooffences.
Despite the problems of motorways, they arenecessary and useful. With careful preparation and planning, the problems theycause could be reduced. People today are also more aware of environmentalissues and as a result cars and road transport in general are becoming moreenvironmentally friendly.