Howfar do you agree with this statement?
Key words analysis
family: 家庭,也可表示家庭成员
possession: 财产,只所有所拥有的财富
这是属于议论文中的argument类型,通常会在agree或disagree之间进行选择。但是该题特别提到说how far do you agree or disagree,那么我们最好是能够讨论到这个事件的两个方面,然后给出自己的意见。
Possible reasons:
Model Essay 1 – Part 1
Everybody wants to be happy, but there isoften a debate over what makes a person happy. Some people believe happinesscan only come from friends and family. According to other people, happinesscomes from money and possessions. I believe that happiness comes both fromclose family and friends and also from having enough money and possessions.
Main body 1
Firstly, everybody needs enough money tolive - to pay for a home, food and other necessities. If people have money tospare after paying for these things, they often spend money on possessionswhich make them feel happy for a short time. However, this kind of happinessoften does not last because money and possessions alone cannot bring happiness.Rich people can be very lonely if they don’t share their money and possessionswith others. It has also been proved that having a good time with friends andfamily brings more happiness than a fast car or new clothes.
Model Essay 1 – Part 2
Main body 2
On the other hand, very poor people are notusually happy, even if they have large families and many friends. Money worrieswill cause them a lot of stress and this will mean they are not able to enjoylife. Their friends and family may be able to support them and help them bylending them money, but this may lead to problems. I agree that family andfriends are important, but without a good income, they may not be enough.
In conclusion, I believe that both moneyand possessions as well as a family and friends are important to happiness andthat neither is more important than the other. People who don’t have enoughmoney to live but who have good friends and a strong family may be just asunhappy as wealthy people who have more than enough but no family or friends toshare it with.