Whatare your opinions on this?
Key words analysis
International tourism: 国际旅游
More … than ever before: 比之前更加…
common: 普遍,常见。同义替换有ordinary, usual
Some feel that … while others …: 一些人觉得国际旅游的发展带来的正面效应多,而另一些人觉得还是负面效应多。这也是本文的论题。
Possible reasons:
Model Essay 1 – Part 1
International tourism has increasedconsiderably in the last 50 years. While this industry has certainly created agreat deal of wealth tor many destination countries, I believe that it hasactually caused far more problems than it has solved. The following are justtwo of the main difficulties involved with international tourism.
Main body 1
One particularly serious issue is thatinternational travel has brought western problems to developing countries. Onlywealthy people can afford to travel overseas. As a result, increasing numbersof tourists from rich (mostly western) countries now holiday in poorercountries like Thailand and Indonesia. In many of these places, this flood oftourists is closely associated with such problems as prostitution, alcoholismand drug abuse. Although international tourism can certainly bring peopletogether and create greater cross-cultural understanding, this will probablynot happen while it is still such a powerful sign of western power and lack ofmoral standards.
Model Essay 1 – Part 2
Main body 2
Even more worrying, however, is the damagethat international tourism has caused to the environment in many parts of theworld. Australia's Great Barrier Reef is an especially good example ofthis-large areas of coral reef have been slowly destroyed by the thousands ofboats, scuba divers and snorkelers that have visited it over the years.Likewise, Bali's famous Kuta Beach is now often covered in litter from thecrowds who go there. In order to maintain such tourist attractions, I feel wemust regulate international tourism more carefully.
To conclude, it is clear that the difficultiescreated by the growing international tourist trade are complicated and many.While they are certainly not impossible to overcome, I believe these problemswill probably continue for some time.