Doyou agree or disagree?
Key words analysis
in terms of: 依据…、在…方面
characteristics: 特征,在这里可以拓展为性格特征、心理特质、身体特性等
abilities: 能力、才能,要注意在这个题目中特别指的是和工作相关的能力或才能
be better done by …: 由… 完成的更好,这也是本题的重要讨论点,考虑的出发点就是,是否有些工作特别适合男性或女性
Possible reasons:
Model Essay 1 – Part 1
There are various of different perspectiveson the question of whether or not men and women are equally good at all jobs.Even if many people still believe that some kinds of work should only be doneby females and other kinds by males, it is my argument that both men and womenare able to do any job well. There are two main reasons for this.
Main body 1
At the first place, I would argue thattraditional ideas about men and women are not always right. It is certainlytrue that there are characteristics that are typically male and others whichare typically female; however, not everybody is typical. Not every woman isphysically weak, in the same way that not every man is a poor communicator –traditional gender roles do not fit everybody. A man who wants to do a jobnormally performed by women or a woman who wants to work in a male-dominatedindustry should be given the chance to demonstrate his/her ability.*
Model Essay 1 – Part 2
Main body 2
Furthermore, I feel that having both maleand female employees in a workplace creates a sense of balance. The two sexesoften, though certainly not always, do things differently. Instead of seeingthese differences as weaknesses. I believe that we should view them as chancesto find new ways of doing things and thus improve the way we work. Therefore, aperson’s weak points can be turned into strengths.
To conclude, for the reasons stated above,I maintain that men and women can do any job equally well and that a person’sindividual ability is far more important than their gender in this regard.