1. 解题思路
1). 表格题的静态题解题思路大致可以分为三步:①先分类(横向,纵向或者横竖交替);②挑出极值(最大值与最小值);③挑选剩余数值(倍数关系,两个数值,变化明显的数值);
2). 静态柱图解题思路:第一种:①按颜色来分类;②总体做比较。第二种:①按特征分(把有相同特征的分在一起);
3). 静态饼图解题思路:①若单个饼图不相关时,单个饼图分开写最后整体总结;②若是同一相关事物的比较也是按颜色特征先分类,后作比较。
2. 基础替换词汇
1). 占据:
take up / make up / occupy/ account for
Constitute / be the instrument of 致成物
2). 剩余事物:
the rest
the remainder
sth is in the charge of
due to/owing to/attributed/ascribed to/ for sth
60%= three-fifths/three out of five
a/the majority of = a large portion/ part/ share / proportion/ percentage
>80% (93%)= a lion’s share/maximal proportion of
5%= a minority of, a tiny portion
37.8%= comparatively a majority of (<50%的最大值)
87%/76% = comparatively a minority of
3. 静态图表示数值方式句式表达
1). 多个事物的排列法一(饼图,柱形图,表格)
①A is the largest/smallest/longest...
②B is a close/far second with just+数字less.
或者:which is followed by B.
③Third comes C with only +数字
或者:C is close/far behind with +数字
或者:C takes third spot/place with +数字
④Following C comes D with +数字
⑤Finally/the rest is ,……
2). 多个事物的排列法二(饼图,柱形图,表格)
A occupied the maximal portion of the 研究对象, with 数字, while B accounted for comparatively less rate, with only _(占据), ranking second. Furthermore, the third, forth and fifth places(或者用数字)altogether of the 研究对象 was shared by C,D and E(共享). The remaining part of it was due to F, G, H, I and J which follow the same trend and taking sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth respectively.(剩余)