Everything ends well, of course. Even Wickham ends up doing the honorable thing and marrying Lydia. Jane and Charles get married. So do Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, once he has overcome his dislike of the Bennet family’s strange ways, and she has seen the decent man behind the pride.
当然,一切都圆满收场。甚至威克姆在最后也做了可敬的事,娶了丽迪雅。简和查尔斯结了婚。伊丽莎白与达西先生也终成眷属─ 一旦达西先生克服了对班奈特家奇怪生活方式的厌恶,而伊丽莎白也看到了他傲慢背后亲切善良的一面。