Although anxiety disorders are devastating to the sufferer and damaging to his or her relationships with loved ones, there is some good news. People afflicted with anxiety disorders can get treatment, and the treatment is generally effective. Treatments for different anxiety disorders range from medication, including antidepressants and antianxiety drugs; to psychotherapy, including cognitive-behavioral therapy; to relaxation techniques and biofeedback. The majority of patients report significant relief after receiving help.
忧郁症非但会对患者本身造成伤害,还会危及他(她)与亲密伴侣间的关系。但还是有些好消息的,忧郁症患者可以接受治疗,而且疗效一般不错。 针对不同的忧郁症患者,治疗的方法从药物治疗(包括抗忧郁、抗焦虑药物)、精神疗法(包括认知行为疗法), 到放松技巧及生物反馈不等。大部分的病人反映,经过治疗,症状都有明显的缓解。